Come, Holy Spirit. Enkindle in our hearts, the fire of Your Divine Love.

Blessed Mother Mary, Queen of Carmel,

protect and pray for us.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Discussion of Ch.11 - The Life of St.Teresa of Jesus - Autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila

Discussion of Chapter 11 -
The Life of the Holy Mother
     Teresa of Jesus

     "The Life"

The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus
of the Order of Our Lady of Carmel

In which she sets forth
- how it is that we do not love God
   perfectly in a short time.
She begins to expound
- by means of a comparison four degrees of prayer,
- of the first (degree)
   of which she treats here;
This is most profitable
  for beginners and
  for those who find no taste in prayer.

- Why Men Do Not Attain Quickly
   to the Perfect Love of God.
- Of Four Degrees of Prayer.
- Of the First Degree (of prayer)

The Doctrine Profitable
for Beginners, and
for Those Who Have No Sensible Sweetness.

Discussion Questions:
( There is a much redundancy
   of content 
     in the attempt to allow each
     of the question discussions
     to be independent of the others.
   This chapter's content is very
     complex and edifying. )

1). How does St. Teresa describe those
     who "resolve to follow (God) the way of prayer " ?
      [Life: Ch. 11: #1 ]

2). What obstacles holds souls back
         from progressing ?
      And what recommendations
         pertain to these obstacles?
     [Life: Ch. 11: #1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,13,22,25]

3). St. Teresa compares the 4 stages of prayer
         to 4 ways of watering a garden.

      How does St. Teresa describe the 4 ways
        that the garden (of the soul) can be watered?
         [ Life: Ch. 11: # 11, 12 ]

4a). How does St. Teresa describe
          the labor of those
       who are at the beginning stage of prayer?
        [ Life: Ch. 11: # 1, 8, 10, 13, 14

4b). In the first degree of prayer',
         what does St. Teresa say is
        the "drawing water from the well"?
        [ Life: Ch. 11: #8, 11, 13, 14]

4c). Although their "soil (is) unfruitful,
         and abounding in weeds,
      what encouragement does St. Teresa give
        to beginners in the first degree of prayer?
        [ Life: Ch. 11: #10, 13, 19 ]
5). What recommendations does she give
         to beginners in prayer?
      [ Life: Ch. 11: # 1, 23, 2,13,25,14, 6, 7, 19]

6). Can a person make progress in prayer
        solely by their own efforts?
        [ Life: Ch. 11: # 13, 14, 25 ]

7). What advice does St. Teresa give to the soul
      who experiences in prayer,
        "only aridity, disgust, dislike, and
         so great an unwillingness to go to the well for water,
      that he would give it up altogether,"?
      [ Life: Ch. 11: # 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
                                     19, 20, 21, 23, 25 ]

8a). Why might God grant favors
          to some souls?
          [ Life: Ch. 11: #14, 19, 21 ]

8b). What does St. Teresa advise regarding
        one's observation that
          others are receiving favors from God,
          but not them"?
         [Life: Ch. 11: #13, 19, 25, 18, 20, 21 ]

9). If one does receive spiritual favors,
        what should they do?
      [ Life: Ch. 11: #20, 21, 25 ]

10). According to St. Teresa, why are we given
          trials in prayer and also temptations?
           [ Life: Ch. 11: #18, 19 ]
           [ Life: Ch. 13: #23 ]
             (referenced in foot note)

11a). When is "the greater part of your work...done"?
           [ Life: Ch. 11: #19 ]

11b). When has the soul
             "already travelled a great part of the road"?
               [ Life: Ch. 11: #20 ]

12). What recommendations does she give to those
         who are beyond the beginner state of prayer?
           [ Life: Ch. 11: #13, 22, 23, 24 ]
           [ Life: Ch. 13: #23 ]
             (referenced in foot note)

13). What does St. Teresa teach regarding
        the activity of the faculties during prayer
        [Life: Ch. 11: #13, 25, 22, 15, 1, 23, 14]

14). What did St. Teresa say and advise
          regarding the prayer of those
           with bodily indisposition?
           [ Life: Ch. 11: #23, 24 ]

1). How does St. Teresa describe
     those who "resolve to follow (God) the way of prayer " ?
      [Life: Ch. 11: #1 ]

St. Teresa describes those
  who "resolve to follow Him
in the way of prayer Him" as:
  "those who begin to be the servants of love".

She states that, "servile fear vanishes at once
   if we are, as we ought to be,
      in the first degree."
      - determined to love Thee
      - doing all it can,
   by forsaking all things,
      in order that it may the
          better occupy itself
      with the love of God
       ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #1]

2). What obstacles holds souls back
         from progressing ?
     And what recommendations
         pertain to these obstacles?
[ Life: Ch. 11: #1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,13,22,25 ]

St. Teresa identified the following obstacles
     that hinder progress in prayer:

~ They have "not embraced the
       Cross from the first".
~ Attachments
~ Lack of Perseverence
~ Not knowing how to proceed
       amidst difficulties in prayer
~ The dangers and difficulties
       which Satan puts before them
     - - - - - - - - - - - - -

~ They have "not embraced the Cross
       from the first".

   "There are many,
      who make a beginning,
     but never come to the end;
       (never progress as far as the goal)
     and that is owing,
       I believe, in great measure,
     to their not having embraced the Cross
       from the first.
       ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #22]

  St. Teresa recommended:
  "Let him begin
       by not being afraid of the Cross,
   and he will see
     - how our Lord will help him to carry it,
     - how joyfully he will advance, and
     - what profit he will derive from it all.
        ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #25]

   They who would follow Christ,
     if they do not wish to be lost,
       must walk in the way
    He (Christ) walked Himself.
     ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #8]

~ Attachments

   We think we are giving all to God;
    but, in fact,
    - we are offering only the revenue
        or the produce,
    - while we retain the fee-simple of the land
        in our own possession.
      (offering the interest
      but keeping the principal for ourselves)
       ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #2 ]

     We resolve to become poor...
        but we very often take great care
      not to be in want,
      - not simply of what is necessary,
      - but of what is superfluous:
         ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #3 ]

    St. Teresa said regarding
        attachment to honor/pride
          (as with other attchments)
     that in times of distress or threat,
          "we do not then remember
         that we had given it up to God.

     We would seize it again, and
       take it, as they say, out of His Hands,
     even after we had made Him...
       the Lord of our own will".
       ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #4 ]

     "A pleasant way this,
        of seeking the love of God!
      we retain our own affections,
       and yet will have that love... by handfuls."
       ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #5 ]

      "for the fault is wholly our own
       that we do not rejoice...
         seeing that the attaining
           to the perfect possession of this true love
         brings all blessings with it".
          ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #1 ]

       - think so much of ourselves, and
       - are so dilatory in giving ourselves wholly to God,
     that, as His Majesty
       -will not let us have the fruition
             of that which is so precious but at a great cost,
       - so neither do we perfectly prepare ourselves for it.
          ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #2 ]

       "...we are seeking things
          that are incompatible one with the other".

    So, because we
             - do not give ourselves up wholly
                (not detached from worldy things)
             - do not give at once,
               (not persevering and finishing),
         this treasure is
          -- not given wholly and
          -- not given at once to us.
              ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #5 ]

   St. Teresa recommended:
     "If, however, we
     - did what we could,
     - not clinging to anything upon earth,
     - but having all our thoughts and conversation
          in Heaven

   I believe that this blessing
       would quickly be given us,
   provided we perfectly prepared ourselves
        for it at once,
   as some of the saints have done."

~ Lack of Perseverence

   "We make no efforts
      to bring our desires to good effect, or
      to raise them resolutely above the earth;
      and yet, with all this,
       we (want) many spiritual consolations."

   "So, because we do not give ourselves once,
          this treasure is
           - not given wholly and
           - not given at once to us."
             ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #5 ]

   St. Teresa advises:
     "God withholds Himself
         from no one who perseveres".

     "He showeth great mercy unto him
          to whom He gives the grace and resolution
      to strive for this blessing with all his might;

      He will by little and little
        strengthen that soul,
      so that it may come forth victorious."
      ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #6 ]

~ Not knowing how to proceed
     amidst difficulties in prayer:

    - "They are distressed,
         -- thinking they are doing nothing;
         -- the understanding ceases from its acts,
         -- and they cannot bear it.
             ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #22]

    - wearied in keeping the senses recollected,
          and this is a great labour,
       because the senses have been hitherto
          accustomed to distractions.

    - Beginners at first suffer much,
         because they are not convinced
             that they are penitent for their sins;

   - They...strive to meditate on the life of Christ
         and the understanding is wearied thereby.
         ...[ Life: Ch. 11: 13]   

~ The dangers and difficulties
     which Satan puts before them
       are so many,
     that they have need,
      - not of a little (resolution)
      - but of a very great resolution,
      - and great grace from God,
    to save them from falling away."
     ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #7]

3). St. Teresa compares the 4 stages of prayer
        to 4 ways of watering a garden.

        Similar to tending a garden,
           the 4 degrees of prayer range
            - from the active-laborious stage
            - to a passive automatic stage
               in which the Lord showers the garden, Himself.

How does St. Teresa describe the 4 ways
  that the garden (of the soul) can be watered?
  ...[ Life: Ch. 11: # 11, 12 ]

St. Teresa stated that,
  "It seems to me that
       the garden may be watered in four ways:

   (1) by water taken out of a well,
          which is very laborious; or

   (2) with water raised by means of an engine
          and buckets, drawn by a windlass
         ... a less troublesome way than the first,
         and gives more water; or

   (3) by a stream or brook, whereby
            the garden is watered in a much better way
         -- for the soil is more thoroughly saturated,
         -- and there is no necessity to water it so often,
         -- and the labour of the gardener is much less; or

   (4) by showers of rain,
              when our Lord, Himself, waters it,
           without labour on our part—
           and this way is incomparably better
               than all the others
           of which I have spoken."
           ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #11 ]

(Through) "... the application
      of these four ways of irrigation...
  the garden (of our soul) is to be maintained;
      For without water, (the garden will) fail.

(By this) seems...
    I shall be able to explain...
the four degrees of prayer
   to which our Lord, of His goodness,
 has occasionally raised my soul.
 ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #12 ]
4a). How does St. Teresa describe
          the labor of those
         who are at the beginning stage of prayer?
         [ Life: Ch. 11: # 1, 8, 10, 13, 14]

St. Teresa states that:
  the labour is greatest at first;
for it is
   - they who toil,
      our Lord, indeed, giving them strength.

In the other degrees of prayer,
  there is more of fruition;
although they who are in:
    - the beginning,
    - the middle, and
    - the end,
  have their crosses to carry:

  The crosses, however, are different.

They who would follow Christ,
  if they do not wish to be lost,
must walk in the way, He walked Himself.

Blessed labours!
  even here, in this life,
so superabundantly rewarded!
...[ Life: Ch. 11: #8 ]

A beginner must look upon himself
  - as making a garden,
      wherein our Lord may take His delight,
  - but in a soil unfruitful, and abounding in weeds.
     ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #10 ]

Servile fear vanishes at once,
   if we are, as we ought to be,
 in the first degree.
 ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #1]

Those who are beginners in prayer...are those
  - who draw the water up out of the well—
     a process very laborious;
      -- for they must be wearied
           in keeping the senses recollected,
              and this is a great labour,
           because the senses have been
               hitherto accustomed to distractions.

Beginners at first suffer much,
   because they are not convinced
that they are penitent for their sins;
   and yet they are,
because they are so sincerely resolved
    on serving God.
    ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #13]

When they "strive to meditate on the life of Christ
  ...the understanding is wearied.
       ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #13]

This is beginning
   to draw water up out of the well
   ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #14]

It will happen that he is often
  - to move his arms for that purpose, or
  - to have one good thought:

Working with the understanding
     is drawing water out of the well"
      ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #14]

[Note: St. Teresa seems to be saying that
in the very beginning of cultivating prayer habits,
   one finds it laborious and fatiguing
to turn the mind from distractions
   and recollect the thoughts and senses.
But she advises them to persevere.

Later in the 2nd degree of prayer,
   The Prayer of Quiet,
St. Teresa describes periods in which the soul
  (if brought to this state by God)
passively receives graces and peace.
At these periods, the understanding / intellect
  also may find difficulty in reflection
and active discursive meditation.

During the Prayer of Quiet,
   St. Teresa advises the person
          - to quietly focus on God and is advised
          - not to force intellectual activity.]

4b). In the first degree of prayer',
 what does St. Teresa say is

   the "drawing water from the well"?
   [ Life: Ch. 11: #8, 11, 13, 14]

St. Teresa said that,
  "working with the Understanding
is drawing water out of the well"
 ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #14]

"...the labour is greatest at first;
  for it is
   - they who toil,
   - our Lord, indeed, giving them strength.
      ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #8]

St. Teresa taught that
  "the garden may be watered in four ways".
She said that the first way of watering is done
  "by water taken out of a well,
which is very laborious".
...[ Life: Ch. 11: #11]

This she compares to the progression of the soul
  as it cultivates prayer habits.
Hauling full buckets, carrying, then pouring them
  onto the garden's surface is slow and laborious,  
    much like trying to
      keep the intellect/understanding focused
   on God amidst distractions.

"for they must be wearied
  in keeping the senses recollected,
and this is a great labour,
  because the senses have been
hitherto accustomed to distractions."
...[ Life: Ch. 11: #11]

"They must strive to
    meditate on the life of Christ,
and the understanding is wearied thereby.

Thus far we can advance of ourselves—
  that is, by the grace of God—
      for without that...
we never can have one good thought.
...[ Life: Ch. 11: #13]

St. Teresa seems to be saying that
in the very beginning of cultivating prayer habits,
one finds it laborious and fatiguing
  to turn the mind from distractions and
  to recollect the thoughts and senses.

Even with our own laborious efforts,
  she advises that
     "we never can have one good thought"
without the help of God.

4c). Although their "soil (is) unfruitful,
           and abounding in weeds,
what encouragement does St. Teresa give
  to beginners in the first degree of prayer ?
  [ Life: Ch. 11: #10, 13, 19 ]

St. Teresa said that
  this (initial gardening) "is already done
when a soul
   - is determined to give itself to prayer, and
   - has begun the practice of it.

His Majesty
  - roots up the weeds, and
  - has to plant good herbs".
     ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #10 ]

"Beginners at first suffer much,
    because they are not convinced
that they are penitent for their sins;

  and yet they are,
because they are so sincerely resolved
  on serving God.
  ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #13]

- There is no reason why
     he should be distressed
   who is already raised
      to so high a degree as this
      (who is habitually) wishing
       - to converse in solitude
             with God, and
        - to abandon the
            amusements of the world.

  The greater part of the work is done
     - give praise to His Majesty for it,
     - trust in His goodness
            who has never failed
          those who love Him"
          ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #19 ]

5). What recommendations does she give
         to beginners in prayer?
  [ Life: Ch. 11: # 1, 23, 2,13,25,14, 6, 7, 19]

St. Teresa recommends:
~ Attention to God
~ Seeking God; not self-seeking
      Attachment to God:
~ Contrition and self-knowledge
~ Solitude:
~ Detachment:
~ Reliance upon God,
~ Make efforts, as much as possible,
     despite limitations of the faculties,
    in order to dispose
      oneself to God's grace:
~ Perseverance in prayer
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

St. Teresa recommends:

~ Attention to God

   St. Teresa taught that:
    - "It is this resolution
            that (God) seeks in us;
      ...that...souls long to be always
         -- thinking of Him and
         -- loving Him.
             ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #23]

    - "...having all our thoughts
        and conversation in Heaven..."
        ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #2 ]

   - It is necessary for beginners
        -- to accustom themselves to disregard
                what they hear or see...and
        -- to put it away from them
                during the time of prayer"
                ...[Life: Ch. 11: #13]

~ Seeking God; not self-seeking:
   (Attachment to God)

   - "Let him begin by
        not being afraid of the Cross,
      and he will see
       -- how our Lord will help him to carry it,
       -- how joyfully he will advance, and
       -- what profit he will derive from it all.
           ...[ Life: Ch. 11: # 25]

~ Contrition and self-knowledge

    Beginners at first suffer much,
      because they are not convinced
    that they are penitent for their sins;

     and yet they are (penitent)
     because they are so sincerely resolved
        on serving God.
        ...[Life: Ch. 11: #13]

   - they must be alone, and
          in retirement,
      think over their past life.
      ...[Life: Ch. 11: #13]

   - "...this matter of self-knowledge
         must never be put aside

     The knowledge
        -- of our sins, and
        -- of our own selves,
        is the bread which we have to
            eat with all the meats,
        ...without this bread,
             life cannot be sustained,
        though it must be taken by measure.

    When a soul
     -- beholds itself resigned, and
     -- clearly understands that
           there is no goodness in it
     -- when it feels itself abashed
            in the presence of
              so great a King, and
     -- sees how little it pays of the
            great debt it owes Him--
            ...[ Life: Ch. 13: #23 ]
               (referenced in foot note)

~ Solitude:
   (in order to focus on the presence of God)
   ( to avoid distractions in prayer)

      - "they must be alone..."
          ...[Life: Ch. 11: #13]

     - "to converse in solitude with God"
         ...[Life: Ch. 11: #19]

~ Detachment:
   - "when a soul is determined
           to love Thee
         -- doing all it can,
         -- by forsaking all things,
              in order that it may the better
              occupy itself with the love of God"
               ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #1]

   - "If... we
      -- did what we could,
      -- not clinging to anything upon earth,

      -- but having all our thoughts
          and conversation in Heaven,
      I believe that this blessing
          would quickly be given us,
       provided we perfectly prepared ourselves
           for it at once,
       as some of the saints have done.
        ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #2 ]

    - to abandon the amusements of the world.

       ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #19 ]

~ Reliance upon God,
   Pray for His help.
   We can do nothing by our own efforts.

   - "It is now clear,
       if there is no water in the well,
        that we at least can put none into it.
        ...[ Life: Ch. 11: # 25]

   - "Thus far we can advance of ourselves—
          that is, by the grace of God
        for without that...
          we never can have one good thought.
          ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #13]

~ Make efforts, as much as possible,
     despite limitations of the faculties
    in order to dispose oneself to God's grace:

   - They must strive
       to meditate on the life of Christ,
     (although) the understanding is wearied thereby.
     ...[Life: Ch. 11: #13]

   - "This is beginning to draw water up out of the well.
      God grant there may be water in it!
      That, however, does not depend on us;
        we are
          -- drawing it, and
          -- doing what we can
                 towards watering the flowers.
                 ...[Life: Ch. 11: #14]

   - It is true we must not be careless
         about drawing it
               when there is any in it,
      because at that time
         it is the will of God to multiply our virtues
               by means thereof.
                ...[ Life: Ch. 11: # 25]

   - So good is God, that when,
       for reasons known to (Him),
      perhaps for our greater good—
         it is His will the well should be dry,
         -- He Himself preserves the flowers
                without water
         -- we, like good gardeners,
                doing what lies in our power
         and makes our virtues grow.
           ...[Life: Ch. 11: #14]

      By water here I mean tears,
          and if there be none,
      then tenderness
          and an inward feeling of devotion".
           ...[Life: Ch. 11: #14]

     St. Teresa teaches the beginner
         to strive and pray
     even if they experience difficulty
         and aridity / dryness
         (lack of a feeling of fervour or devotion)
      in prayer.

    It is our intention and effort in prayer
      that will please God.

    God will grace the soul
        with feelings of devoutness or consolations
    according to His will.

   "That...does not depend on us;
   we are ... doing what we can
        towards watering the flowers".

   - She taught that beginners should keep in mind
       that if they experience dryness and difficulty
               despite their efforts in prayer,
          This is God's will for them,
            knowing what is good for each soul,
          and they should continue to strive
            because He will surely
          help them to grow in virtue and strength.

~ Perseverance in prayer:
    - "For God withholds Himself
       from no one who perseveres".

      "He will by little and little
         strengthen that soul,
       so that it may come forth victorious".

      "He showeth great mercy unto him
         to whom He gives
            the grace and resolution
      to strive for this blessing with all his might"

     "I say resolution, (perseverence, tenacity)
         because of the multitude of those things
     which Satan puts before it at first,
       to keep it back from
           beginning to travel on this road"
       ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #6 ]

       "...they have need,
          - not of a little (resolution)
          - but of a very great resolution, and
          - great grace from God,
        to save them from falling away."
         ...[Life: Ch. 11: #7]

      " is of great importance to them
         that they should begin
        with this liberty and resolution"
         ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #23]

      St. Teresa advises beginners
          to persevere in prayer
      despite the difficulty in concentration
           and aridity.

      It is only in their power 
         to make effort;
     The experience or result
         depends on the will of God.

6). Can a person make progress in prayer
       solely by their own efforts?
       [ Life: Ch. 11: # 13, 14, 25 ]

St. Teresa stated that,
   "we never can have (even) one good thought"...
without...the grace of God".

    "Thus far we can advance of ourselves—
        that is, by the grace of God-
      for without that...
         we never can have one good thought".
          ...[ Life: Ch. 11: # 13 ]

But with the help of God,
  beginners in prayer can 
   - strive to persevere in prayer,
   - strive to become detached from temporal things.
  in order to center the attention on God
      and grow in love.

Regarding drawing water up out of the well:
  "God grant there may be water in it!
      That, however, does not depend on us;
   we are drawing it, and
      doing what we can
           towards watering the flowers".

"So good is God, that when,
   for reasons known to His Majesty—
perhaps for our greater good
   it is His will (that) the
         well should be dry,
  - He Himself preserves the flowers
          without water
  - we, like good gardeners,
          doing what lies in our power
    and makes our virtues grow".
    ...[ Life: Ch. 11: # 14 ]

One can not advance by his own effort,
   but should conform oneself to God's will.

"It is now clear,
 if there is no water in the well,
    that we at least can put none into it."

"...we must not be careless about drawing it
     when there is any in it,
because at that time
   it is the will of God to multiply our virtues
      by means thereof"
      ...[Life: Ch. 11:# 25 ]

7). What advice does St. Teresa give
      to the soul who experiences in prayer,
      "only aridity, disgust, dislike, and
      so great an unwillingness
        to go to the well for water,
     that he would give it up altogether,"?
     [ Life: Ch. 11: # 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
                             18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25 ]

St. Teresa advises these souls:

~ Their Purpose is
       to please God;
       not themselves

~ to "Embrace the Cross

~ Strive to unite one's Will
       to the Will of God

~ To Trust in God

~ To Rejoice in God's trust in them
    that they will persevere
        without reward.

~ To Persevere in prayer
        to dispose oneself to God's grace

~ To strive for Humility

~ Thankfulness

~ Prayer's value
      doesn't depend on consolations.

~ To Understand regarding
    the activity of the faculties
     during prayer;
    To be aware
      of the limitations of the human faculties.
     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

St. Teresa advises souls:

~ That their Purpose is
    - to please God;
           not themselves
    - to seek God and
           not their own comfort.

    - "his purpose
        must not be to please himself,
          but (to please) Him (God)"
           ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #16]

    - "that he has to please and serve
          the Lord of the garden"
           ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #15]

    - ".... he is pleasing (God)
               in the matter"
               ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #16]

    - "let him not seek his kingdom here"
        ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #16 ]

    - "He must
          -- rejoice and
          -- take comfort, and
          -- consider it as the greatest favour
                 to labour in the garden
              of so great an Emperor;

    - St. Teresa prayed that
        "a gift of so high a price
           as that of Thy love...
 given to people
            who serve Thee
          only because of the sweetness
             they find thereby."
              ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #19 ]

~ "Embrace the Cross
     - "let him help Him
           to carry the Cross, and
     - let him think
           how Christ carried it all His life long;
             ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #16 ]

     - so let him resolve,
           if this aridity should last
                 even his whole life long,
       never to let Christ fall down
           beneath the Cross."
            ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #16 ]

     - "I wish to suffer, because Thou,
            O Lord, hast suffered;
        Do Thou in every way
            fulfil Thy will in me"
            ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #19 ]

    - Let him begin
        by not being afraid of the Cross,
      and he will see
        -- how our Lord will help him
               to carry it,
        -- how joyfully he will advance, and
        -- what profit he will derive
               from it all".
                ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #25 ]

~ Strive to unite one's Will
      to the Will of God

    - "Let His Majesty guide us
        whithersoever He will:
      we are not our own, but His.
       ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #19 ]

    - He shows us mercy enough
        when it is His pleasure
      we should be willing
         to dig in His garden,
      and to be so near the Lord of it:
         He certainly is near to us."
         ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #19 ]

     - "If it be His will
           that these plants and flowers
                 should grow...

         when He gives water            
                 we may draw from the well,
                  ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #19 ]

       We must not be careless about
           drawing it (the water)
        when there is any in it,

         because at that time
            it is the will of God
         to multiply our virtues
            by means thereof.
             ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #25 ]

~ Trust in God

    - "Let him have no fear
          that his labour is in vain:

       he serves a good Master,
         Whose eyes are upon him.
          ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #17 ]

    - "Let us believe that
         all is for our greater good;
         ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #19 ]

    - "The time will come
          when he shall be paid once for all.
           ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #17 ]

    - Do not be distressed,
          thinking that we are
            -- making no progress or
            -- at fault.

   - "trust in His goodness
         who has never failed those
                 who love Him."
                 ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #19 ]

   - "What canst Thou do, O my Lord,
        that is not for the greater good
                 of  that soul...?
                 ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #19 ]

~ To Rejoice in God's trust in them
      that they will persevere without reward.

     - "let him praise Him greatly
             for the trust He has in him
         for God sees that,
             without any recompense,
         he is taking so much care of that
             which has been confided to him"
              ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #16]

~ To Persevere in prayer
       to dispose oneself to God's grace

    - "For God withholds Himself
          from no one who perseveres.

       He will by little and little
          strengthen that soul,
       so that it may come forth victorious."

    - to persevere even if
        -- their "labour (is) so great
        -- (and the) lowering the bucket
                into the well so often,
                and drawing it up
            (results ) without water in it..."

    - to persevere
           "that his service was not in vain..."
            ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #15]

    - "they who toil,
         our them strength".
         ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #8]

     - "let him not seek his kingdom here,
            nor ever intermit his prayer"
            ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #16 ]

     - "all the anxieties
           which I had to bear
        when persevering in prayer
           seem to me ever afterwards
                perfectly rewarded".
                ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #17 ]

~ to strive for Humility

     - to accept the sufferings,
           striving toward the
              development of Humility,
              and the other virtues.

    - to acknowledge that our soul is
          -- "a soil unfruitful, and
          -- abounding in weeds"

        and pray that the Lord will
           -- "root... up the weeds...
           --  plant good herbs.
         ...wherein our Lord may take His delight,
             ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #10 ]

    - "..His Majesty should lead us
          by this way, (through aridity)
       so that we may perfectly understand
          how worthless we are;

      "for the graces which He gives afterwards
          are of a dignity so great,
          -- that He will have us by experience
                 know our wretchedness
              before He grants (graces)".
              ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #18]

~ Thankfulness

     St. Teresa teaches the importance
           of thankfulness to God
           for His graces and gifts.

     - "When I drew but one drop of water
            out of this blessed well,
         I considered it was a mercy of God"

     - " if Thou hast given me any (virtue),
            it is out of Thy mere goodness."
            ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #19 ]

     - St. Teresa taught that they should
         -- "accept it, and
         -- make much of it,
        when God gives it—
            because, when He gives it,
        His Majesty sees it
                   to be necessary for them"
                    ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #21 ]

~ Prayer's value
     doesn't depend on consolations.

    - "It is certain that the love of God
           does not consist
             -- in tears,
             -- nor in this sweetness
                 and tenderness
        which we for the most part desire,
          and with which we console ourselves;

          but rather in serving Him
             in justice, fortitude, and humility".

         "That seems to me
            -- to be a receiving
            -- rather than a giving
                 of anything on our part."
                  ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #20]

    - One should be
          "determined not to care much,

       neither to rejoice
       nor to be greatly afflicted,
       whether sweetness and tenderness fail it,
        ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #20 ]

~ To Understand regarding
      the activity of the faculties
      during prayer
    To be aware of the limitations
        of the human faculties.

    - St. Teresa acknowledges that
        "they must be wearied in keeping
             the senses recollected,

         and this is a great labour,
             because the senses have been
         hitherto accustomed to distractions.
            ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #13]

     - "They must strive to meditate
            on the life of Christ,
         and the understanding is
             wearied thereby.

        ... we can advance...
             by the grace of God
        for without that...we never can
             have one good thought"
             ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #13]

      - The experience of prayer
           "does not depend on us;
         we are drawing it, and
           doing what we can towards
               watering the flowers"
               ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #14]

     - "It will happen that
          he is often unable to move his arms
        for that purpose
          (of drawing up the bucket of water
            from the well)
        or to have one good thought:

        working with the understanding
            is drawing water out of the well."
            ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #15]

      - "I know these labours
            are very great, and
          require...greater courage
             than many others (labors) in this world"
              ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #17]

      - "His Majesty knoweth
             -- our misery and
             -- natural vileness
           better than we do ourselves.

           He knoweth that these souls
              long to be always
                -- thinking of Him and
                -- loving Him.

           It is this resolution
              that He seeks in us"
              [ Life: Ch. 11: #23]

           "it is of great importance
              that no one should distress himself
                - on account of aridities, or
                - because his thoughts are restless
                      and distracted".
                       ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #25]

8a). Why might God grant favors 
         to some souls?
        [ Life: Ch. 11: #14, 19, 21 ]

St. Teresa stated that
    God may grant favors to some souls
    - "for reasons known to His Majesty
    - perhaps for our greater good"
      ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #14 ]

One can not earn or merit His favors
   (although by prayer and good works,
     we may dispose oneself to them).

St. Teresa taught that
   God may grant favors to one
   - according to His will,
   - out of His goodness.
   - for their greater good;
   - if He see it is necessary for one.
   - "... all is for our greater good"
           ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #19 ]

   - "...when He gives it,
       His Majesty sees
         it to be necessary for them"
         ....[ Life: Ch. 11: #21 ]

Regarding herself,
  St. Teresa stated that "poor women,
      such as I am,
          weak and infirm of purpose,
   it seems to me to be necessary
       that I should be led on
           through consolations,
       as God is doing now,
    so that I might be able
       to endure certain afflictions
     which it has pleased His Majesty
        I should have".
        ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #21 ]

   - "if Thou hast given me any,
        it is out of Thy mere goodness."
        ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #19 ]

8b). What does St. Teresa advise regarding
       one's observation that
         others are receiving favors from God,
         but not them"?
        [Life: Ch. 11: #13, 19, 25, 18, 20, 21 ]

In regard to the observation
   that others are receiving favors from God,
St. Teresa advises souls:

   - "to accustom themselves
      to disregard what they hear or see..."
      ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #13 ]

   - "Close the eyes
         of your imagination, and
   - do not ask why He gives
      -- devotion to this person
               in so short a time, and
      -- none to me
               after so many years.

   - If it be His will
         (to)...some of them...
                         He gives water
         (to) ...others ...
                         He gives none
     what is that to me?

     Do Thou, O Lord,
         accomplish Thy will;
         ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #19 ]

In regard to one's own lack of consolations,
St. Teresa teaches:
     - "Let us believe that
           all is for our greater good"

     - "let His Majesty guide us
            whithersoever He will:

        we are not our own,
             but His'

     - "He shows us mercy enough
           when it is His pleasure

        we should be willing
           -- to dig in His garden, and
           -- to be so near the Lord
                   of it (our soul, the garden).

        He certainly is near to us"
        ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #19 ]

      - "it is of great importance
           that no one should distress himself
            -- on account of aridities, or
            -- because his thoughts are
                 restless and distracted"
                 ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #25 ]

     - Even without consolations,
       -- the Lord is tending the soul,
       -- so we should persevere in prayer
             and do our part:

       "God grant there may be water in it!
         (in our garden)
       That, however, does not depend on us;

       we are drawing it, and
           doing what we can towards
                watering the flowers."

       "So good is God, that when,
            -- for reasons known to His Majesty
            -- perhaps for our greater good—
        it is His will
           (that) the well should be dry..."

       "He Himself preserves the flowers
            without water—
        we, like good gardeners,
          doing what lies in our power
        and makes our virtues grow.

        By water here I mean tears,
          and if there be none,
        then tenderness and
           an inward feeling of devotion.
           ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #25 ]

    - " is our Lord's good pleasure
          frequently in the beginning,
          and at times in the end,
       to send these torments, and many
           other incidental temptations,
       -- to try those who love Him, and
       -- to ascertain if they will
             --- drink the chalice, and
             --- help Him to carry the Cross,
           before He intrusts them
                   with His great treasures."
                   ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #18 ]

    - "I believe it to be for our good
           that His Majesty should lead us
               by this way,
       so that we may perfectly
           understand how worthless we are"
           ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #18 ]

    - St. Teresa taught
           that God may give favors
        to those whose trials
            require this encouragement
               and strength:

       "it be necessary
           that I should be led on
                through consolations,
        so that I might be able
                to endure certain afflictions
        which it has pleased His Majesty
           I should have".
           ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #21 ]

St. Teresa taught that
 if the Lord did not think
   that consolations were necessary
          and beneficial for them:
  "They should then
          -- understand that
                 they have no need of it,
          -- be masters of themselves,
       when His Majesty does not give it."
        ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #21 ]

 "I do not say that they ought not
     to accept it, and
     make much of it,
         when God gives it—
  because, when He gives it,
    His Majesty sees
  it to be necessary for them

  but I do say that they
   ought not to grow weary
 when they have it not."
  ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #21 ]

  - neither to rejoice
    nor to be greatly afflicted,
     whether sweetness and
                   tenderness fail it,
                   ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #20 ]

9). If one does receive spiritual favors,
      what should they do?
      [ Life: Ch. 11: #20, 21, 25 ]

St. Teresa stated that
if one does receive spiritual graces or favors,
  they should:

 - Recognize, accept, and value those
       graces or favors.

    "when God gives them
        sweetness in devotion ",
    they should:
     - "accept it and
     - "make much of it,
         when God gives it—
         because, when He gives it,
           His Majesty sees
             it to be necessary for them" 
             ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #21 ]

   - Thank God for them

  - Continue to persevere in prayer that
         they may cooperate with these graces
         so that He may "multiply our virtues."

         -- "we must not be careless
                 about drawing it
              when there is any (water) in it,
              because at that time
                 it is the will of God
              to multiply our virtues
                 by means thereof."
                 ...[Life: Ch. 11:# 25 ]

  - Strive not to be attached to favors,
         "determined not to care much"
            regarding consolations and
                tenderness in devotion

        "neither to rejoice
         nor to be greatly afflicted,
           whether sweetness and
              tenderness fail it"
              ...[Life: Ch. 11:# 20 ]

    He should persevere onward
           with "liberty of spirit",
        unattached to consolations and gratifications.
        ...[Life: Ch. 11:# 25]

10). According to St. Teresa,
       why are we given trials in prayer
        and also temptations?
        [ Life: Ch. 11: #18, 19 ]
        [ Life: Ch. 13: #23 ]
         (referenced in foot note)

St. Teresa stated that
  "it is Our Lord's (will and)
       good pleasure
           frequently in the beginning,
           and at times in the end,
      to send these torments,
      and many...temptations,

      - to try those who love Him, and

      - to ascertain if they will
         -- drink the chalice, and
         -- help Him to carry the Cross,
               before He intrusts them
                   with His great treasures.

     - for our good"

     - God "lead us by this way,
          so that we may perfectly understand
               how worthless we are;

     - to ".. have us by experience know
           our wretchedness
        before He grants (graces or favors)

     - that we learn Humility so
         "that it may not be with us
        as it was with Lucifer"
         ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #18 ]

    - "for the greater good of that soul"

          so that one can mature in
             detachment and strength in order to:
              -- "give... itself up to Thee
              -- to follow Thee
                    whithersoever Thou goest,
                  even to the death of the Cross...
              -- determined to help Thee
                     to carry that Cross, and
              -- not to leave Thee alone with it"
                  ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #19 ]

     - God knows what each soul needs.

        "His Majesty surely knows
            better than we do
         what kind of food is proper for us"
          ...[ Life: Ch. 13: #23 ]
              (referenced in foot note)

11a). When is
             "the greater part of your work...done"?
                [ Life: Ch. 11: #19 ]

St. Teresa said that
   "the greater part of your work is done"
when the soul wish(es):
    - to converse in solitude with God, and
    - to abandon the amusements of the world.
       ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #19 ]

11b). When has the soul
             "already travelled a great part of the road"?
               [ Life: Ch. 11: #20 ]

St. Teresa said that the soul has
 "already travelled a great part of the road"
   when it:
         - "begins to walk in the way of mental prayer
                with resolution, and
         - is determined not to care much,
               neither to rejoice
               nor to be greatly afflicted,
           whether sweetness and tenderness fail it,
                        or our Lord grants them
                        (sweetness and tenderness)

    "Let that soul, then, have no fear
         that it is going back,
      though it may frequently stumble;
         for the building is begun on a firm foundation.

     It is certain that the love of God
        does not consist
           -- in tears,
           -- nor in this sweetness
                 and tenderness
               which we for the most part desire, and
               with which we console ourselves;

       but rather in serving Him
           in justice, fortitude, and humility.

      That seems to me
          -- to be a receiving
          -- rather than a giving of anything
                on our part.
                ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #20 ]


12). What recommendations does she 
            give to those who are beyond
            the beginner state of prayer?
            [ Life: Ch. 11: #13, 22, 23, 24 ]
            [ Life: Ch. 13: #23 ]
              (referenced in foot note)

For "beginners
   as well as those more advanced;
     It is necessary
      - to disregard what they hear or see, and
      - to put it away from them
           during the time of prayer;
      - they must be alone, and in retirement
            think over their past life"
            ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #13 ]

    - "...this matter of self-knowledge
            must never be put aside
        -- for there is no soul so great a giant on this road
            but has frequent need to turn back (and look)

    - "... great importance
       for among all the states of prayer,
           however high they may be,
       there is not one
           in which it is not often necessary
                to go back to the beginning.

   - The knowledge
        -- of our sins, and
        -- of our own selves,
       is the bread which
            we have to eat with all the meats,

      ...without this bread,
            life cannot be sustained,
      though it must be taken by measure.

      -- When a soul beholds itself resigned,
      -- clearly understands that
             there is no goodness in it
      -- when it feels itself abashed
              in the presence of so great a King, and
      -- sees how little it pays
              of the great debt it owes Him
              ...[ Life: Ch. 13: #23 ]
                   (referenced in foot note)

Regarding those beyond the beginning stages of prayer
 and who have "weight, learning, and sense",
St. Teresa advises:

    - not to "make so much account...
         whether God gives them
             sweetness in devotion or not,
             ....when God gives it—
        because, when He gives it,
          His Majesty sees 
            it to be necessary for them

    - but...they ought not to grow weary
        when they have it not"

    "They should then
    - understand that
          they have no need of it, and
    - be masters of themselves,
          when His Majesty does not give it.

          Let them be convinced of this,
            there is a fault here"
              (to be distressed when not
              experiencing sweetness in prayer)

    - It is not so much to beginners
          that I say this— is of great importance...
        that they should begin
          with this liberty and resolution

     -....there are many
         who make a beginning,
       but never come to the end;
         (never progress as far as the goal)

         and that is great measure,
           to their
             not having embraced the Cross
                 from the first."
                 ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #22 ]

Regarding the difficulty in prayer when
  the intellect/understanding is of no use
  and is unable to meditate on God:

     "They are distressed,
       - thinking they are doing nothing;
       - the understanding ceases
            from its acts,
       - and they cannot bear it.

      Yet, perhaps, at that very time,
        - the will is feeding
            and gathering strength, and
        - they know it not.
           ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #22 ]

     At this time, when the understanding is unable
        to discursively meditate on God,
     they should
        - persevere in prayer;
        - quietly, calmly, attending to God's presence
             as much as possible.

       - They should not force the thoughts to meditate
             even though it seems to them
          that "they are doing nothing".

      - Though the intellect is not able to help,
          the will may be growing
                 in strength
                 and love of God
            through this passive prayer.

          "Let God be served in all things—
              His yoke is sweet;
           and it is of great importance
              that the soul
                 -- should not be dragged,
                 -- but carried gently,
              that it may make greater progress"
                ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #24 ]

          "Our Lord does not regard these things;
            -- for though they seem to us
                     to be faults,
            -- yet they are not.

          His Majesty knoweth our
            -- misery and
            -- natural vileness
            better than we do ourselves.

          He knoweth that these souls
               long to be always
               -- thinking of Him and
               -- loving Him.

               It is this resolution
                   that He seeks in us;

            the other anxieties
              which we inflict upon ourselves
            serve to no other end
              but to disquiet the soul"
              ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #23 ]
13). What does St. Teresa teach 
         regarding the activity of the faculties
           during prayer ?
        [Life: Ch. 11: #13, 25, 22, 15, 1, 23, 14]

St. Teresa stated that, especially in beginners,
   prayer can be laborious
because in trying to meditate on God
   - the human faculties,
               ( the understanding /intellect, etc )
       are not under our control:

  - our thoughts are easily distracted by
       -- the world and
       -- our own nature and our senses.

     But, she advises that
        God knows our limitations and weaknesses.

     He sees our intentions and efforts
              in loving Him and trying to think of Him.

     So, we should continue to do our best.

     She says that
        although one is experiencing difficulty in prayer,
        perhaps, unseen by them,
           their heart is growing in love.

                "the will is feeding and
                      gathering strength 
                 and they know it not."

           in keeping the senses recollected,
       and this is a great labour,
           because the senses have been
              hitherto accustomed to distractions.
              ...[ Life: Ch. 11: # 13]

   - "They must strive
           to meditate on the life of Christ,
       and the understanding is
              wearied thereby.

             ...we can advance...
                by the grace of God
             for without that...we never can
                have one good thought"
                ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #13]

            "it is of great importance
                that no one should distress himself
             on account of aridities, or
                 because his thoughts
              are restless and distracted".
              ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #25]

   - They are distressed,
          thinking they are doing nothing;
              --- the understanding ceases
                         from its acts,
              --- and they cannot bear it.

         Yet, perhaps, at that very time,
              --- the will is feeding
                          and gathering strength, and
                   they know it not".
                     ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #22]

    - "It will happen that he is often unable
           to move his arms
               for that purpose
                   (of drawing up the bucket of water
                        from the well) or
           to have one good thought:

        Working with the understanding
            is drawing water out of the well."
            ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #15]

            -- "I know these labours
                    are very great,
                 and require...greater courage
                    than many others (labors) in this world"
                     ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #17]

           -- "His Majesty knoweth
                   our misery and
                   natural vileness
                 better than we do ourselves.

                He knoweth that these souls
                    long to be always
                      -- thinking of Him and
                      -- loving Him.

                     It is this resolution
                        that He seeks in us;
                         ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #23]

  - The experience of prayer
           "does not depend on us;
        we are drawing it, and
             doing what we can towards
        watering the flowers"
         ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #14]

14). What did St. Teresa say and advise
           regarding the prayer of those
        with bodily indisposition?
         [ Life: Ch. 11: #23, 24 ]

Regarding those with bodily indisposition,
St. Teresa said that:
 - the "poor prisoner of a soul
      shares in the miseries of the body."

 - the misery of one that loves God
      to see itself
      -- living in such wretchedness,
      -- unable to do what it would,
     because it has to keep so evil a guest as the body.
     ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #23]

- Circumstances "very often compel it,
     without fault of its own,
   not to do what it would,
     but rather to suffer in every way".

   "Meanwhile, the more
      we force the soul on these occasions,
    the greater the mischief, and
      the longer it lasts.

  - need to understand
      -- the illness and
      -- its effects on the ability to pray and
              the duration of the ability

     "Some discretion must be used,
         in order to ascertain
      whether ill-health be the occasion or not"

 - Not to prevent a person from doing what they can.
 - Help them to understand their illness
        and how it affects them
 - Adapt prayer times and schedule to their abilities:

     "The poor soul must not be stifled"

        Let those who thus suffer
          understand that they are ill;

       A change should be made in the hour of prayer..."

       Let souls pass out of this desert as they can,
       ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #23]

- Need to discriminate between illness and temptation
    "because sometimes the devil will do the same work"

     The indisposition might not caused by illness
         but by temptation or fault

      "and so it is not always right
         -- to omit prayer when the understanding
                is greatly distracted and disturbed"

       But if it is caused by an illness
         then it is not right
         -- "to torment the soul to the doing of
                  that which is out of its power"

                 "Let God be served in all things
                     His yoke is sweet;
                 and it is of great importance
                  that the soul
                    --- should not be dragged,
                    --- but carried gently,
                  that it may make greater progress"

        If the person is unable to pray
          "There are other things then to be done—
              exterior works,
               as of charity and spiritual reading—
           though at times the soul will not be able
               to do them"

- The care of the illness and the body is important
     so that the person can again participate
         in the spiritual activities as much as possible.

    "Take care, then, of the body, for the love of God,
        because at many other times
      the body must serve the soul"

- Allow recreation
    "let recourse be had to some recreations
       holy ones—such as
         or going out into the fields,
     as the confessor shall advise".
      ...[ Life: Ch. 11: #24]