Come, Holy Spirit. Enkindle in our hearts, the fire of Your Divine Love.

Blessed Mother Mary, Queen of Carmel,

protect and pray for us.

Description of the Chapters with Links

Description of Chapters.

 Chapter I.
 In which she tells
- how God began to dispose this soul
    from childhood for virtue, and
- how she was helped by having virtuous parents.

Ch 1
Chapter 2
- How she lost these virtues and
- how important it is to deal from childhood
    with virtuous persons.

Ch 2

Chapter 3
In which she sets forth
- how good company was the means
      of her resuming good intentions, and
- in what manner God began to give her some light
     on the deception to which she was subjected.

Ch 3

Chapter 4
She explains
- how, with the assistance of God,
      she compelled herself to take the (Religious) habit,
- how His Majesty began to send her many infirmities.

Ch 4

Chapter 5
She continues
- to speak of the great infirmities
      she suffered and
  the patience God gave her to bear them, and
- how He turned evil into good,
      as is seen from something that happened at the place
      where she went for a cure.

Ch 5

Chapter 6
- Of the great debt she owes God
      for giving her conformity of her will (with His)
      in her trials, and
- how she turned towards the glorious St. Joseph
      as her helper and advocate, and
- how much she profited thereby.

Ch 6

Chapter 7
- Of the way whereby she lost the graces
      God had granted her, and
- the wretched life she began to lead;
- she also speaks of the danger
      arising from the want of a strict enclosure
      in convents of nuns.

Ch 7

Chapter 8
- Of the great advantage she derived
     from not entirely abandoning prayer
       so as not to lose her soul; and
- what an excellent remedy this is
       in order to win back what one has lost.
- She exhorts everybody to practise prayer, and
- shows what a gain it is,
       even if one should have given it up for a time,
       to make use of so great a good.

Chapter 9
- By what means God began to rouse her soul
   and give light in the midst of darkness,
   and to strengthen her virtues
     so that she should not offend Him.

Ch 9

Chapter 10
She begins to explain
- the graces God gave her in prayer, and
- how much we can do for ourselves,  and
- of the importance of
      understanding God's mercies towards us.
- She requests those to whom this is to be sent
     to keep the remainder (of this book) secret,
     since they have commanded her
     to go into so many details about the graces
          God has shown her.

Ch 10

Chapter 11
In which she sets forth
- how it is that we do not love God perfectly in
       a short time.
- She begins to expound by means of a comparison
       four degrees of prayer,
       of the first of which she treats here;
   this is most profitable for beginners
       and for those who find no taste in prayer.

Ch 11 Discusses the 4 Degrees of Prayer
Begins to describe the 1st Degree of Prayer

Chapter 12
- Continuation of the first state.
- She declares how far, with the grace of God,
      we can proceed by ourselves, and
- speaks of the danger of seeking supernatural
      and extraordinary experiences
      before God lifts up the soul.


Chapter 13
She continues 
- to treat of the first degree, and
- gives advice with respect to certain temptations
      sometimes sent by Satan.
   This is most profitable.

Ch 13

Chapter 14
She begins to explain
- the second degree of prayer
      in which God already gives the soul
      special consolations,
      which she shows here to be supernatural.
  This is most noteworthy.

Ch 14 Discusses the 2nd Degree of Prayer - Prayer of Quiet

Chapter 15
- Continuing the same subject,
   she gives certain advice
      how one should behave in the prayer of quiet.

- She shows that many souls advance so far,
      but that few go beyond.
   The matters treated of in this chapter
      are very necessary and profitable.

Ch 15

Chapter 16
- On the third degree of prayer;
      she declares things of an elevated nature;
- what the soul that has come so far can do, and
- the effect of such great graces of God.

- This is calculated to greatly animate the spirit
       to the praise of God, and
 - contains advice for those
       who have reached this point.

Ch 16 Discusses the 3rd Degree of Prayer

Chapter 17
- Continues to declare matters concerning
       the third degree of prayer and
- completes the explanation of its effects.
- She also treats of the impediment
      caused by the imagination and the memory.

Ch 17

Chapter 18

- She treats of the fourth degree of prayer, and
- begins to explain in what high dignity
      God holds a soul that has attained this state;

- this should animate those who are given to prayer,
      to make an effort to reach so high a state
   since it can be obtained in this world,
      though not by merit
   but only through the goodness of God 

Ch 18 Discusses the 4th Degree of Prayer

Chapter 19
- She continues the same subject, and
- begins to explain the effects on the soul
     of this degree of prayer.
- She earnestly exhorts not to turn back
        nor to give up prayer
        even if, after having received this favour,
          one should fall.
- She shows the damage that would result
     (from the neglect of this advice).
- This is most noteworthy and
     consoling for the weak and for sinners.

Chapter 20
- She speaks of the difference
         between Union and Trance, and
- explains what a Trance is;
- she also says something about
       the good a soul derives from being,
       through God's goodness, led so far.
- She speaks of the effects of Union. 

Ch 20

Chapter 21
- She continues and concludes
       this last degree of prayer, and
- says what a soul having reached it
      feels when obliged to turn back
       and live in the world, and
- speaks of the light God gives
     concerning the deceits (of the world).
   This is good doctrine.

Ch 21 Concludes the 4 degrees of Prayer

Chapter 22

In which she shows
- that the safest way for contemplatives 
      is not to lift up the spirit to high things
      but to wait for God to lift it up.

- How the Sacred Humanity of Christ
     is the medium for the most exalted contemplation.
- She mentions an error
     under which she laboured for some time.
   This chapter is most profitable.

Ch 22 Discusses meditation on the Sacred Humanity of Christ

Chapter 23
- She returns to the history of her life,
- how she began to practise greater perfection.
   This is profitable for those
     who have to direct souls practising prayer
      that they may know
      how to deal with beginners, and
- she speaks of the profit she derived
     from such knowledge.

Ch 23

Chapter 24
- She continues the same subject and
- tells how her soul improved
     since she began to practise obedience, and
- how little she was able to resist God's graces, and
- how His Majesty continued to give them
     more and more abundantly.

Ch 24

Chapter 25
 - Of the manner in which Locutions of God
       are perceived by the soul
       without being actually heard; and
 - of some deceits that might take place in this matter,
 - and how one is to know which is which.

  This is most profitable for those
      who are in this degree of prayer,
      because it is very well explained,
      and contains excellent doctrine.

Ch 25

Chapter 26

- She continues the same subject;
- explains and tells things that have happened to her
     which caused her to lose fear
     and convinced her that the spirit
     which spoke to her was a good one.

Ch 26

Chapter 27
- Of another way in which God teaches a soul,
      and, without speaking, makes His Will known
      in an admirable manner.
- She goes on to explain a vision,
      though not an imaginary one, and
- a great grace with which God favoured her.
   This chapter is noteworthy.

Ch 27

Chapter 28
- She treats of the great favours God showed her, and
- how He appeared to her for the first time;
- she explains what an imaginary vision is, and 
- speaks of the powerful effects it leaves and
- the signs whether it is from God.
  This chapter is most profitable and noteworthy.

Ch 28 Visions

Chapter 29

She continues and tells
- of some great mercies God showed her, and
- what His Majesty said to her in order to assure her
      (of the truth of these visions), and
- taught her how to answer contradictors.

Ch 29 Transverberation

Chapter 30

- She continues the history of her life, and
- how God sent her a remedy for all her anxieties
      by calling the holy Friar Fray Pedro de Alcantara
      of the Order of the glorious St. Francis
       to the place where she lived.

-  She mentions some great temptations
       and interior trials
       through which she sometimes had to pass.

Ch 30

Chapter 31
 - She speaks of some exterior temptations
      and apparitions of Satan,
      and how he ill-treated her.
- She mentions, moreover, some very good things
       by way of advice to persons
       who are walking on the way of perfection.

Ch 31

Chapter 32
- She narrates how it pleased God to put her in spirit
       in that place of Hell she had deserved by her sins.
- She tells a little of what she saw there
       compared with what there was besides.
- She begins to speak of the manner and way
       of founding the convent of St. Joseph
       where she now lives.

Ch 32

Chapter 33
- She continues the subject
      of the foundation of the glorious St. Joseph.
- How she was commanded to have nothing (further)
      to do with it,
- how she abandoned it,
- also the troubles it brought her and
- how God consoled her in all this.

Ch 33

Chapter 34
- She shows how at that time it happened
      that she absented herself from this place and
- how her Superior commanded her to go away
      at the request of a very noble lady
      who was in great affliction.
- She begins to tell what happened to her there, and
- the great grace God bestowed upon her
      in determining through her instrumentality
      a person of distinction to serve Him truly; and
- how that person found favour and help in her (Teresa).
  This is noteworthy.

Ch 34

Chapter 35
- Continuation of the foundation of this house
      of our glorious Father St. Joseph;
- in what manner our Lord ordained
      that holy poverty should be observed there;
- the reason why she left the lady
      with whom she had been staying, and
- some other things that happened.

Ch 35

Chapter 36
- She continues the same subject, and
- shows how the foundation of this convent
      of the glorious St. Joseph was finally accomplished,
- and the great contradictions and persecutions
      she had to endure
      after the Religious had taken the habit,
- and the great trials and temptations
      through which she passed,
- and how God led her forth victorious
   to His own glory and praise.

Ch 36

Chapter 37
- Of the effects which remained
      when God granted her some favour;
- together with other very good doctrine.  
- She shows how one ought to strive after
      and prize every increase in heavenly glory,
- and that for no trouble whatever
     one should neglect a good that is to be perpetual.

Ch 37

Chapter 38
- She treats of some great mercies God showed her,
      even making known to her heavenly secrets
   by means of visions and revelations
      His Majesty vouchsafed to grant her;
- she speaks of the effects they caused and
      the great improvement resulting in her soul.

Ch 38

Chapter 39
- She continues the same subject,
- mentioning great graces granted her by God;
- how He promised to hear her requests
      on behalf of persons for whom she should pray.
- Some remarkable instances
      in which His Majesty thus favoured her.

Ch 39

Chapter 40
- Continuation of the same subject
      of great mercies God has shown her.
- From some of these
      very good doctrine may be gathered,
   and this, as she declares, was,
-  besides compliance with obedience,
        her principal motive (in writing this book),
    namely to enumerate such of these mercies
      as would be instructive to souls.

- This chapter brings the history of her Life,
      written by herself, to an end.

May it be for the glory of God.

Ch 40
At the bottom of the page
following the text of Chapter 40