Come, Holy Spirit. Enkindle in our hearts, the fire of Your Divine Love.

Blessed Mother Mary, Queen of Carmel,

protect and pray for us.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Discussion of Ch.18 - The Life of Teresa of Jesus - Autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila

The Life of Holy Mother
        Teresa of Jesus
  The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus,
of the Order of Our Lady of Carmel.

She treats 
- of the fourth degree of prayer, and 

- begins to explain in what high dignity 
  God holds a soul that has attained this state; 

- this should animate those who are given to prayer, 
     to make an effort to reach so high a state
   since it can be obtained in this world, 
    though not by merit 
  but only through the goodness of God.  

    Discussion Topics 
1).  How does St. Teresa describe 
        the 4th degree of prayer / 
            the Fourth water ?
        [ Life: Ch. 18: # 12,5,4,18,20,8,21,16,
2).  St. Teresa stated that when she was granted 
         the grace of the 4th degree of prayer,
         she thought of her unworthiness 
              due to "the great evils that I have done"
              and her weaknesses.
       She prayed that these blessings be given instead
          to one who would "make a better use 
           of them, to the increase of Thy glory".
              [ Life: Ch. 18: #7]
       Why, then, give graces so high 
         to souls who have been such great sinners?
             [ Life: Ch. 18: #5]

What insight did she later realize 
regarding the graces granted by God 
    to herself?
   [ Life: Ch. 18: # 6, 7; Ch19 #10, 11  ]
3 ). Regarding her explanation 
         of the 4th degree of prayer, 
      What does St. Teresa say 
           is her "object in writing"?
         [ Life: Ch. 18: #10,8 ]
4 ).  What did St. Teresa say about 
         the presence of God 
            in the 4th state of prayer?
             [ Life: Ch. 18: #18,19,20   ]

5). How does St. Teresa describe 
       the action of the faculties 
        in the 4th state of Prayer? 
      [ Life: Ch. 18: # 2,3,14,15,16,17,19]
6) What did she say about 
      "elevation of the spirit/raptures
         [Life: Ch18 #8,9]

1).  How does St. Teresa describe 
        the 4th degree of prayer / 
            the Fourth water ?
        [ Life: Ch. 18: # 12,5,4,18,20,8,21,16,
~ "the water which 
      - cometh down from heaven 
      - to fill and saturate in its abundance 
         the whole of this garden with water."
           [ Life: Ch. 18: #12 ]

~ Divine union
     - is in the divine union
         union is two distinct things 
            becoming one".
         "...that Thou givest like Thyself"
             [ Life: Ch. 18: #5 ]

     - " a union of all the faculties, 
              [ Life: Ch. 18: #3 ]    

     - "Mystical theology explains...
         How this...union is effected, and 
           what it is 
            ...what the mind is, 
   it differs from the soul  
                   or the spirit  
            ...all three seem to me but one"
         "...the soul sometimes leaps forth 
                    out of itself,   
          like a fire that is burning 
                    and is become a flame; 
          and occasionally this fire 
                    increases violently--
          the flame ascends high above the fire; 
          but it is not therefore a different thing: 
         it is still the same flame of the same fire"
                [ Life: Ch. 18: #4 ]
      Awareness of the Presence of God:
      -  Regarding "what the soul was...doing...
          Our Lord said to me: 
             It undoes itself utterly, 
             in order that it may give itself 
                   more and more to Me

              it is not itself that then lives, 
                        it is I
                    [ Life: Ch. 18: #18 ]
     - "that the soul is ...being close to God...
         that there abides a conviction thereof 
              so certain and strong, 
         that it cannot possibly help believing so. 
                [ Life: Ch. 18: #19 ]
     - He seemed to me to be so near...
            Not to believe that He was present, 
                   was not in my power; 
            for it seemed to me...
               evident that I felt there 
                    His very presence.     
       -  "I could not believe that...
            He was present 
                only by His grace...
                      (as) Some unlearned men 
                        used to say to me, 
              because.... (God)  seemed to me 
                to be present Himself..."        
             (Later) A most learned  (Dominican 
             Father) delivered me from this doubt
              for he told me 
               -- that (God) was present, and 
               -- how He communed with us: 
                     this was a great comfort to me.
                [ Life: Ch. 18: #20 ]

~ Growth in Love and Virtue

      -"with heavenly love" 
              [ Life: Ch. 18: #8 ]

     - "... this water from heaven,--
              this greatest grace of our Lord--
        always leaves in the soul 
                  the greatest fruits
                 [ Life: Ch. 18: #21 ]
     -  the overflowing abundance of grace, 
            that the brightness of the sun... 
        it has thus made the soul to melt away. 
           [ Life: Ch. 18: #16 ]
~ Growth in Detachment
      - there is a growth 
             of the soul's detachment   
                   from creatures 
                   [ Life: Ch. 18: #8 ]
      - "seeing that to the world 
           it is really dead
      - it retains the sense 
        -- to see that it is in the world, and
        -- to feel its own loneliness; and
                 [ Life: Ch. 18: #1 ]
~ Temporal aspects
     St. Teresa seems to say that the soul 
      who is brought by God into the 4th state of
         prayer receives the fruits of this state
          (the growth in virtue and detachment)
      while the suspension of the faculties
           and consolations are of  brief duration
               and intermittent occurrence.
     - Duration (not continuous or lasting)
          "If our Lord never ceased 
                 to pour it down 
            whenever it was necessary, 
            ...fruits and flowers would never fail. 
            ...The gardener would have his delight         
            ...but in this life that is impossible".
                   [ Life: Ch. 18: #12 ]

     - Duration is temporary
        -- "it passes away so quickly 
              in the beginning--at least, 
     passes so quickly away. 

       the period of time, 
             however long it may have been, 
        during which the faculties of the soul 
                   were entranced, 
              is very short
        if half an hour, 
              that would be a long time.
        I do not think 
               that I have ever been so long.  is extremely difficult 
               to know how long, 
        because the senses are in suspense; 
         but I think that at any time 
               it cannot be very long  before 
        some one of the faculties recovers itself. 
        It is the will that persists in the work;
         the other two faculties quickly 
                begin to molest it. 
        As the will is calm, 
         - it entrances them again; 
         - they are quiet for another moment, and 
         - then they recover themselves
                  once more.
                  [ Life: Ch. 18: #16 ]

     - St. Teresa stated that although the  
           suspension of the faculties  
                is of brief duration, 
        this experience can recur repeatedly:          
          "In this way, some hours may be, 
                 ...passed in prayer; 
             for when the two faculties begin 
              ...they follow the will...
              this state of complete absorption
              together with the utter rest 
                       of the imagination...
                 lasts only for a short time
              though the faculties do not 
               so completely recover themselves 
                   as not to be 
               for some hours afterwards 
                 as if in disorder: 
              God, from time to time
                  drawing them to Himself.
                      [ Life: Ch. 18: #17 ]
     - Occurrence 
        -- This water from heaven comes down 
              very often when the gardener 
                 least expects it.
                 [ Life: Ch. 18: #12 ]
        -- in the beginning,
               this almost always happens 
                  after much mental prayer
            Our Lord advances 
                   step by step... 
             He observed it...for a long time, 
                striving with the understanding 
                 and the will, and with all its might, 
                   to seek God and to please Him; 
             so now it is His pleasure to reward it 
                   even in this life. 
                    [ Life: Ch. 18: #13 ]
         "one moment is enough to repay 
          all the possible trials of this life."
              [ Life: Ch. 18: #13 ]
~ Suspension of  senses and faculties
   - "...the faculties of the soul 
           were entranced, 
            [ Life: Ch. 18: #16 ]

        "all the faculties of the soul 
          are in this state of suspension
             [ Life: Ch. 18: #12 Peers translation ]

  "the senses are in suspense"
             [ Life: Ch. 18: #16 ]
  - "...this state of complete absorption                   
            [ Life: Ch. 18: #17 ]
    - St. Teresa stated that this temporary
       suspension is hard to describe to those 
       who have never experienced it.
        She seems to be saying that during this
          -- The Will remains in Union with God
          -- The Understanding and Memory / 
               Imagination are more apt
                 to recover from the absorption 
                  quickly and become active again
          --  "God, from time to time, 
                         drawing them to Himself"
                  [ Life: Ch. 18: #16,17]
    [ See the "Temporal aspects" topic above.]

~ Consolations (joy, peace, contentment)
    - The soul, 
        while thus seeking after God
       is conscious, 
        with a joy excessive and sweet
    - "for all bodily strength vanishes, 
            and that of the soul increases
         to enable it the better 
            to have the fruition of its joy
       Great and most perceptible, also, 
             is the outward joy now felt.
                     [ Life: Ch. 18: #14]

    - "in the later states 
         the labour is attended 
           with so much bliss and comfort 
                of the soul, 
         that the soul would never willingly 
                 pass out of it,--and 
         thus the labour is 
                 not felt as labour, 
                 but as bliss.
                  [ Life: Ch. 18: #1]

    - "In this the fourth state there is 
         -- no sense of anything, only fruition
              [ Life: Ch. 18: #2]

    - "it is plain,  
       from the overflowing abundance of grace, 
           that the brightness of the sun 
       which had shone there
           must have been great, 
        seeing that it has thus made the soul 
            to melt away. 
                 [ Life: Ch. 18: #16]

2). St. Teresa stated that when she was granted 
    the grace of the 4th degree of prayer,
she thought of her unworthiness 
   due to "the great evils that I have done"
      and her weaknesses.
She prayed that these blessings be given instead 
    to one who would "make a better use 
        of them, to the increase of Thy glory".
              [ Life: Ch. 18: #7]
Why, then, give graces so high, 
    to souls who have been such great sinners?
       [ Life: Ch. 18: #5]

What insight did she later realize 
regarding the graces granted by God to herself?
        [ Life: Ch. 18: # 6, 7; Ch19 #10, 11  ]
St. Teresa stated that
  although she feared  that 
   God's  granting of graces to herself would 
       "imperil jewels so precious... 
         undervaluing them, 
           when Thou puttest them 
          in the power of one so wretched, 
            so vile, so frail, so miserable, and 
            so worthless as I am"
              [ Life: Ch. 18: #6]
    "I saw afterwards 
                - my own foolishness and 
                - want of humility
    -  that God knows what is best needed 
                by each soul;
          "for our Lord knoweth well 
                   what is expedient"
     - that because of  her weakness, 
             God granted her these favors
       in order that she might attain salvation:
           "there is no strength in my soul
                           to be saved, 
               if His Majesty did not give it 
                   with graces so great.
       - She also saw her hesitancy 
              in accepting these favors from God 
         as lack of humility:
         -- that these graces can not 
              be merited or   earned; 
             One can do nothing, of itself, 
                to acquire spiritual favors.      
                    [ Life: Ch. 18: #7  ]
Later in chapter 19
St. Teresa added this further detail:
   She states that she wondered:
    "Why, O Lord, dost Thou pass by 
             most holy persons, 
       who have always served Thee, 
        ... that they are not recipients 
                of those graces which 
         Thou hast bestowed upon me?
             [ Life: Ch. 19: #10  ]
       I see clearly now, O Thou my Good, 
       Thou hast kept the reward 
            to give it them all at once: 
            They, being strong...
                free from all self-interest
           serve Thee without them... 
       (But) my weakness 
                    has need of these succours".
            [ Life: Ch. 19: #11  ]
3 ). Regarding her explanation 
         of the 4th degree of prayer, 
      What does St. Teresa say 
           is her "object in writing"?
         [ Life: Ch. 18: #10,8 ]
 St.  Teresa stated that regarding her 
    "object in writing"
    - her first object was "to obey" those
        Confessors who had asked her to write
              about her experiences of prayer
    - and also to inspire souls to pray
            regularly in order to advance in prayer:
         "that my object in writing--
           - the first is 
                to obey
                  -- is to inspire souls 
                          with a longing 
                         after so high a good. 
                           [ Life: Ch. 18: #10   ]
           I will speak of nothing 
            that I do not know by great experience 
              [ Life: Ch. 18: #10   ]
       She hopes that by making known 
          the mercy and graces of God,
       others will desire and dispose themselves
          to graces by prayer and good works.
  - "I purpose also to speak 
       -- of the graces and effects 
             which abide in the soul, and 
       -- of that which the soul itself  can do
           or rather, 
              if it can do anything of itself 
                 towards attaining to a state so high.
                   [ Life: Ch. 18: #8  ]

4 ).  What did St. Teresa say about 
         the presence of God 
            in the 4th state of prayer?
             [ Life: Ch. 18: #18,19,20   ]

St. Teresa states that in the 4th State of Prayer
there is a  certain Awareness of the Presence of God:

      -  Regarding "what the soul was...doing...
          Our Lord said to me: 
             It undoes itself utterly, 
                 in order that it may give itself 
                   more and more to Me

            it is not itself that then lives, 
             it is I
                                 [ Life: Ch. 18: #18 ]

     - "that the soul is ...being close to God

         that there abides a conviction thereof 
              so certain and strong, 
         that it cannot possibly help believing so. 
                [ Life: Ch. 18: #19 ]
     - He seemed to me to be so near...             
            Not to believe that He was present, 
                   was not in my power; 
            for it seemed to me...
               evident that I felt there 
                    His very presence.     
       -  "I could not believe that...
             He was present 
                only by His grace...
                      (as) Some unlearned men 
                        used to say to me, 
              because.... (God)  seemed to me 
                to be present Himself..."        
             (Later) A most learned  (Dominican 
             Father) delivered me from this doubt
              for he told me 
               -- that (God) was present, and 
               -- how He communed with us: 
                     this was a great comfort to me.
                [ Life: Ch. 18: #20 ]

5). How does St. Teresa describe 
       the action of the faculties 
        in the 4th state of Prayer? 
      [ Life: Ch. 18: # 2,3,14,15,16,17,19]
St. Teresa describe the action of the faculties 
      in the 4th state of Prayer in this way:
~ The Faculties of the Soul (in general):

   - "the faculties of the soul were entranced
       it cannot be very long  before 
          some one of the faculties recovers itself. 
             [Life: Ch18 #16]
   - "All the faculties fail now, and 
        are suspended in such a way 
        that... their operations cannot be traced. 
          [Life: Ch18 #19]
    - Inability to communicate 
          this experience:
        -- "for there is no power in the body, 
                 and the soul has none, 
             whereby this fruition 
                 can be made known. 

              ...if it really be 
                   a union of all the faculties...
               --- when it is in union,--
                        cannot make it known; 
               --- and if it can, 
                        then it is not union at all.
                            [Life: Ch18 #3]
~ The Will:
    - "It is the will that persists in the work;
         the other two faculties quickly 
             begin to molest it. 
        As the will is calm, 
        -- it entrances them again; 
        -- they are quiet for another moment, and 
        -- then they recover themselves 
                 once more.
                 [Life: Ch18 #16]

   - "The will must be fully occupied 
                in loving
        but it understands not how it loves;
           [Life: Ch18 #19]

~ The other two faculties:
     (Understanding and Imagination/Memory

     In this way, some hours may be, 
            and are, passed in prayer; 
      for when the two faculties begin 
         to drink deep, and 
         to perceive the taste of this divine wine,    
      they give themselves up 
           with great readiness, 
       in order to be the more absorbed
       they follow the will, and 
            the three rejoice together. 
       But this state of complete absorption
              together with the utter rest 
           of the imagination,--
         for I believe that even the imagination 
            is then wholly at rest,--
         lasts only for a short time; 
          though the faculties do not 
        so completely recover themselves 
           as not to be for some hours afterwards 
         as if in disorder: 
        God, from time to time, 
            drawing them to Himself.
             [Life: Ch18 #17]
~ The Understanding:

  - "without understanding what that is 
       the fruition of which is granted"
  - "It is understood that the fruition is 
       of a certain good 
    containing in itself all good together at once
       but this good is not comprehended".
            [Life: Ch18 #2]

      "the understanding 
             furnishes no help, 
         all reading is impracticable, 
             though seriously attempted".
                 [Life: Ch18 #14]

    - "...what then takes place 
               is so obscure".
       "All I am able to say is, 
       -- that the soul is represented 
              as being close to God"
                [Life: Ch18 #19]

    - " ...but it understands not how it loves;
         the understanding
               if it understands, 
                 does not understand 
                       how it understands--
          at least, it can comprehend nothing 
                   of that it understands:
          it does not understand, 
              as it seems to me, because, 
               as I said just now, 
            this cannot be understood. 
           I do not understand it at all myself"
           [Life: Ch18 #19]

~ The Memory /  Imagination:
    - "If the soul is making a meditation 
          on any subject,
       the memory of it is lost at once, 
           just as if it had never been thought of. 
        If it reads, 
          what is read is not remembered 
        nor dwelt upon; 
          neither is it otherwise with vocal prayer. 
        Accordingly, the restless little butterfly 
          of the memory 
         has its wings burnt now, and
            it cannot fly".
                 [Life: Ch18 #19]
~ The senses:
   - "...the senses are in suspense"
           [Life: Ch18 #16]
  - "The senses are all occupied 
    in this fruition in such a way 
        that not one of them is at liberty, 
    so as to be able to attend to anything else,   
         whether outward or inward"
          [Life: Ch18 #2]

  - "The senses were permitted before...     
     to give some signs of the great joy they feel
     but now, in this state, 
      the joy of the soul is incomparably greater, 
      and the power of showing it 
          is still less;"
           [Life: Ch18 #3]
   - "The soul, while thus seeking after God
       is conscious, 
              with a joy excessive and sweet,
        utterly fainting away in a kind of trance: 
            breathing, and 
        all the bodily strength, fail it, 
            so that it cannot even move the hands 
                without great pain;
        the eyes close involuntarily, and 
           if they are open, 
                they are as if they saw nothing; 
                nor is reading possible,--
                  the very letters seem strange, 
                     cannot be distinguished,--
                  the letters, indeed, are visible, 
         but, as the understanding 
             furnishes no help, 
         all reading is impracticable, 
             though seriously attempted"
                 [Life: Ch18 #14]
         "The ear hears;
           but what is heard is not comprehended. 
          The senses are of no use whatever, 
             except to hinder the soul's fruition; 
           and so they rather hurt it. 
           It is useless to try to speak
              because it is not possible 
                 to conceive a word; 
                 nor, if it were conceived, 
                    is there strength sufficient 
                        to utter it"
           for all bodily strength vanishes, 
            and that of the soul increases
              to enable it the better 
                   to have the fruition of its joy. 
             Great and most perceptible, also, is 
                 the outward joy now felt"
              [Life: Ch18 #14]
         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  This prayer, 
          however long it may last
       does no harm--
           at least, it has never done any to me; 
       nor do I remember, ...
           that I ever felt the worse for it--
        ... I was always better afterwards.  thus robs us of our bodily powers 
            with so much joy, 
           in order to leave them greater.
          [Life: Ch18 #15]

6) What did she say about 
      "elevation of the spirit/raptures
         [Life: Ch18 #8,9]

St. Teresa seems to introduce another state
  or experience which she refers to as
      the "elevation of the spirit".

St. Teresa seems to say that
  although  elevation of the spirit 
     can take place during union 
        in the 4th state of prayer:
a). There is a difference between 
         Union and the "Elevation of the Spirit"
          God's operations in them 
                   are different.

b). That similar to Union, 
       the "elevation of the spirit" 
         is accompanied by heavenly love
c).  God's work is stronger / more efficacious
          in the elevation of the spirit

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --

a).  St. Teresa stated
       - that  there is a difference between 
         Union and the "Elevation of the Spirit" 
              "but, as I understand it, 
                     union is a different thing 
                   from elevation in union, itself".
                       [Life: Ch18 #8]
              "... these two kinds of graces 
                      which our Lord bestows."
                        [Life: Ch18 #9]

       - that God's work  is different in union 
              and the elevation of the spirit
                 "even if they are both one, 
                 the operations of our Lord therein 
                      are different"

b). She stated that similar to Union, 
       the "elevation of the spirit" 
        - is accompanied by heavenly love

            "The elevation of the spirit, or union
               comes together with heavenly love
c). St. Teresa stated that God's work 
      - is stronger in elevation of the spirit
             "there is a growth 
                   of the soul's detachment 
                       from creatures 
                 more abundantly still
                     in the flight of the spirit.  
                I have clearly seen that 
                    this is a particular grace, 
                 though, as I say, 
                    it may be the same, 
                 or seem to be so, 
                    with the other; 
          - She refers to the elevation of the spirit
                 as the "great fire"
             while union is the "little fire
                   "but a little fire, also, 
                       is as much fire as a great fire 
                      yet there is a visible difference 
                           between them"
          - Union as the "little fire" by which
              "some time must pass" for its
                       work to be accomplished:              
                       " Before a small piece of iron
                          is made red-hot in a little fire, 
                               some time must pass"
          - The "Elevation of the spirit"
                 as the "great fire"
             whose work is done quickly:
                         "but if the fire be great
                            the iron very quickly
                                  though bulky, 
                            loses its nature altogether  
                                   in appearance.           
                                [Life: Ch18 #8]
          ... these two kinds of graces 
                          which our Lord bestows. 
          He who has had raptures will, 
                      I am sure,  understand it well; 
                        [Life: Ch18 #9]