Come, Holy Spirit. Enkindle in our hearts, the fire of Your Divine Love.

Blessed Mother Mary, Queen of Carmel,

protect and pray for us.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Discussion of Ch. 24 - The Life of Teresa of Jesus - Autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila

   The Life of Holy Mother
        Teresa of Jesus
  The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus,
of the Order of Our Lady of Carmel.
       CHAPTER 24
She continues 
  - the same subject and
 -  tells how her soul improved
      since she began to practise obedience, and 
- how little she was able to resist God's graces, and 
- how His Majesty continued to give them 
   more and more abundantly.

- Progress Under Obedience. 
- Her Inability to Resist the Graces of God. 
- God Multiplies His Graces.  

Topics/ Questions

1). How did she benefit from the 
     guidance of her Confessors and     
        Spiritual Directors?
          [ Life: Ch24  # 2,3,8,9  ]

2). What recommendations
       did she receive?
        [ Life: Ch24 #2,4,6  ]

3). What did St. Teresa say 
       about her attachment 
       to a certain friendship?
         [ Life: Ch24  #6,7,8 ]

4). St. Teresa emphasized that
     she tried to give up attachments 
     but was unable to be effective
          by her own efforts;
     It was God who changed her. 
    What did she say about this?
         [ Life: Ch24  #6, 8, 9  ]



In chapter 24, St. Teresa 
   described how she benefited from
 the teachings of the various spiritual directors 
     who were in her locale 
(perhaps over the period of 1557-1558).
In this chapter, although she doesn't
refer to her spiritual directors by name,
it seems:
- that her regular Confessor
          ( F. Juan de Padranos  (?)  )
     was transferred to another locale.
      "At this time, they changed 
       my confessor's residence"
                [ Life: Ch24  #5 ]

- that when  Fr Francis 
        (St. Francis de Borja)
  came  to Avila, her former
   spiritual directors,  
 (  Fr. Gaspar Daza (?)  & 
    Don Francisco de Salcedo )  
  "My confessor, and the nobleman 
    ...contrived that he should visit me"
                  [ Life: Ch24  #5 ]
- Footnote [353] suggests that
   "Fr. Ferdinand Alvarez... 
     became her confessor on the removal 
         of F. Juan de Padranos, and 
     that it was to him she confessed 
        till she placed herself 
            under the direction of 
       Fr. Baltasar Alvarez, 
      the confessor of Dona Guiomar, 
        as it is stated in the next paragraph, 
      unless the confessor there mentioned 
             was Fr. Ferdinand"

     Dona Guiomar, "a noble lady, 
     a widow,  much given to prayer, 
      ...made her own confessor  hear me"
               (Fr. Baltasar Alvarez)     
                   [ Life: Ch24  #5 ]
1). How did she benefit from the 
     guidance of her Confessors and     
         Spiritual Directors?
          [ Life: Ch24  # 2,3,8,9  ]

St. Teresa stated:
- "I began  with a renewed love 
           of the most Sacred Humanity;
- my prayer began to be solid
           like a house, 
      the foundations of which are strong;  
- I was inclined to practise 
             greater penance,  
      having been negligent in this matter
      hitherto because of my 
                great infirmities. 
         [ Life: Ch24  #2 ]
-  My soul was now sensitive 
      to every offence 
       I committed against God,
       however slight it might be;
      so much so, that
          if I had any superfluity about me, 
      I could not recollect myself in prayer 
         till I had got rid of it.
              [ Life: Ch24  # 3]

-  She explains how she was
     able to grow in detachment,
          not by her own efforts
          but by prayer:

         "I have had courage so great
               as to leave all things for God
                 who in one moment... 
           was pleased to change His servant
                  into another person. 
                        [ Life: Ch24  # 8]

         "while I had been for many years 
               making many efforts, 
            and had never succeeded...
              but, as it was done by Him 
                  Who is almighty, and 
                   the true Lord of all...
                        [ Life: Ch24  #  9  ]
2). What recommendations
        did she receive?
         [ Life: Ch24 #2,4,6  ]

~ PrayerMeditation on   
          the Sacred Humanity of Christ
      When Fr. Francis (St. Francis de Borja)
        "had heard me,  he said to me that
          - "...I should always begin my prayer 
                  by meditating on some part 
                        of the Passion and
         - that if our Lord should then 
                  raise up my spirit, 
                        I should make no resistance, 
                  but suffer His Majesty 
                        to raise it upwards, 
                 I myself not seeking it".
                     [ Life: Ch24  # 4   ]

~ Penance and sacrifice
     "Embrace the Cross"
      "The holy man 
        who heard my confession  told me 
         - that certain penances 
                    would not hurt me and 
         - that God perhaps 
                 sent me so much sickness 
            because I did no penance

            His Majesty would therefore 
                     impose it Himself
            He ordered me to practise 
                     certain acts of mortification 
             not very pleasant for me."
            [ Life: Ch24  #2 ] 
~  The confessor of Dona Guiomar
                 (Fr. Baltasar Alvarez )
        "used to say to me, 
           - that I ought to leave nothing undone 
              that I might be wholly pleasing 
                 unto God"
                 [ Life: Ch24  #6 ]

~ Detachment
       Pray for God's help and graces
       Regarding the problem of 
         her  attachment 
                to a friendship 
       He told me to 
         - lay the matter 
                 before God 
            for a few days, and 
        - recite the hymn, "Veni, Creator," 
            that God might enlighten me
                as to the better course. 
                   [ Life: Ch24  #  6  ]
3).  What did St. Teresa say 
         about her attachment 
        to a certain friendship?
              [ Life: Ch24  #6,7,8 ]

St. Teresa said:
   " soul was 
         not at all strong, 
         but rather very weak
    especially as to giving up 
          certain friendships, 

    though I did not offend God by them: 
          there was much natural affection
                  in them, and 

          I thought it would be an act 
                  of ingratitude 
             if I broke them off. 

     And so, as I did not offend God, 
          I asked him if I must be ungrateful".

     (Her Confessor) "told me to 
      - lay the matter 
                 before God 
            for a few days, and 
      - recite the hymn, "Veni, Creator," 
            that God might enlighten me
            as to the better course. 

  One day, 
      having prayed for some time, and 
    implored our Lord to help me 
      to please Him in all things, 

      I began the hymn; 
             and as I was saying it, 
      I fell into a trance
             so suddenly, 
      that I was, as it were,
             carried out of myself. 
      I could have no doubt about it, 
             for it was most plain.
                [ Life: Ch24  #  6  ]

    This was the first time 
         that our Lord bestowed on me 
     the grace of  ecstasy

     I heard these words: 
       "I will not have thee converse 
              with men, 
       but with angels."  
            [ Life: Ch24  #   7 ]

     Those words have been fulfilled; 

      for I have never been able 
        to form friendship with, 
        nor have any comfort in, 
        nor any particular love for, 
             any persons whatever 
        except those 
            who, as I believe, love God, and 
            who strive to serve Him. 
      It has not been in my power to do it. 

      It is nothing to me 
         that they are 
             my kindred, or
             my friends, 

      if I do not know them to be 
             lovers of God, or
             persons given to prayer. 
      It is to me a painful cross 
             to converse with any one…

      From that day forth, 
             I have had courage so great
         as to leave all things for God

             who in one moment 
                  and it seems to me 
                  but a moment 
         was pleased to change His servant
               into another person
         When my confessor saw 
                   how much I clung 
             to these friendships, 
                   he did not venture 
                to bid me distinctly 
                to give them up.
         He must have waited 
             till our Lord did the work
                as He did Himself. 
            Nor did I think myself 
                that I could succeed;   
            for I had tried before, 
            and the pain it gave me 
                was so great 
            that I abandoned the attempt, 
                on the ground that  
            there was nothing unseemly
                in those attachments.

            Now our Lord 
                set me at liberty, and 
                gave me strength also to use it.
                    [ Life: Ch24  # 8 ]
4). St. Teresa emphasized that
       she tried to give up attachments 
       but was unable to be effective 
         by her own efforts;
       It was God who changed her. 
      What did she say about this?
             [ Life: Ch24  #6, 8, 9  ]
St. Teresa said:
  "God be blessed for ever! 
    Who in one moment set me free

   while I had been for many years 
        making many efforts, 
          and had never succeeded
          very often also doing such violence 
                 to myself 
          as injured my health; 

    but, as it was done by Him 
         Who is almighty, and 
    the true Lord of all, 
         it gave me no pain whatever"
             [ Life: Ch24  #  9  ]

        "From that day forth, 
              I have had courage so great
         as to leave all things for God
             who in one moment... 
         was pleased to change His servant
           into another person".

    Her Confessor advised her to
          rely on God and pray to God:
          "When my confessor saw 
              how much I clung 
            to these friendships, 

              he did not venture 
                 to bid me distinctly 
                 to give them up."
                      [ Life: Ch24  #  8  ]

     "He told me to 
       - lay the matter before God 
              for a few days, and 
       - recite the hymn, 
              'Veni, Creator',
          that God might enlighten me
               as to the better course."
                    [ Life: Ch24  # 6  ]

              "He must have waited 
                   till our Lord did the work
               as He did Himself. 

               Nor did I think myself 
                   that I could succeed;   
               for I had tried before
               and the pain it gave me 
                   was so great 
               that I abandoned the attempt
                   on the ground that  
               there was nothing unseemly
                  in those attachments.

              Now our Lord 
               - set me at liberty, and 
               - gave me strength also to use it"
                    [ Life: Ch24  # 8 ]
