Come, Holy Spirit. Enkindle in our hearts, the fire of Your Divine Love.

Blessed Mother Mary, Queen of Carmel,

protect and pray for us.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Discussion of Ch 26 - The Life of Teresa of Jesus - Autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila

   The Life of Holy Mother
        Teresa of Jesus

  The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus,
of the Order of Our Lady of Carmel

 Discussion of  Chapter  26

She continues 
- the same subject;
- explains and tells things 
    that have happened to her 
  which caused her to lose fear 
  and convinced her that the spirit 
    which spoke to her was a good one.

 - How the Fears of the Saint Vanished. 
- How She Was Assured 
    That Her Prayer Was
   the Work of the Holy Spirit.


    Topics/ Questions

1). What did  St. Teresa say about 
       "one of the greatest mercies 
         which (God) has bestowed upon me"?
            [Life: Ch26: # 1 ]

2). By what "certain great signs...
       does.. the soul...perceive
       whether it loves God" ?
                [Life: Ch26: # 2, 7 ]

3). What was "the safest course"
       that St. Teresa followed regarding
         the state of her soul
         and her state of  prayer? 
              [ Life: Ch26: # 4,5,6 ]

4). When St. Teresa was 
    "deprived of books written in Spanish",
      how did Our Lord console her?
          [ Life: Ch26: # 6 ]


1). What did  St. Teresa say about 
       "one of the greatest mercies 
       which (God) has bestowed upon me"?
         [Life: Ch26: # 1 ]

St. Teresa said that:
 - The courage 
      which our Lord has granted her
              against evil spirits was
      "one of the greatest mercies 
           which He has bestowed upon me"

           "the courage which
               our Lord has implanted in me 
             against evil spirits 
              (was) one of the greatest mercies 
             which He has bestowed upon me"

 -  However, she said that 
       her greatest fear was 
          the fear of offending God.

          "for a cowardly soul, 
               afraid of anything 
                    but sin against God, 
           is a very unseemly thing, 
               when we have on our side 
           the King omnipotent…"      

           "I would have myself all fears, 
               that I may not for one instant
                     offend Him"

           "There is nothing to be afraid of 
                  if we walk, as I said before,   
              in the truth, 
              in the sight of His Majesty, 
                  with a pure conscience."
                        [Life: Ch26: # 1 ]


2). By what "certain great signs...
      does.. the soul...perceive
      whether it loves God" ?
                [Life: Ch26: # 2, 7 ]

St. Teresa stated:

  "the soul perceives, 
       by the help of certain great signs
    whether it loves God of a truth"

  "for the love of those souls 
              who have come to this state 
      - is not hidden 
               as it was at first, 

      - but is full 
         -- of high impulses, and 
         -- of longings for the vision of God"
         -- is made most manifest... 
                       impossible to hide.    

      - "Everything wearies, 
          everything distresses, 
          everything torments the soul, 
               unless it be suffered 
                   with God, or 
                    for God
                     [ Life: Ch26: # 2 ]

         "Who can look upon our Lord
           covered with wounds, and 
           bowed down under persecutions,  
                 without accepting, loving, 
                  and longing for them? "
                   [ Life: Ch26: #7 ]


3). What was "the safest course"
      that St. Teresa followed regarding
       the state of her soul
       and her state of  prayer? 
              [ Life: Ch26: # 4,5,6 ]

St. Teresa stated that 

   the "safest course was to:
   - confess to her confessor
       -- the whole state of her soul
       -- the graces / favors she was 
                  receiving from God
   - obey the confessor's prescription"

        "The safest course in these things 
          is to
           - declare, without fail, 
              --  the whole state of the soul, 
              --  together with the graces
                         our Lord gives me, 
                   to a confessor who is learned,
           - obey him"

          "I do so; 
               and if I did not, 
            I should have no peace".

          "Our Lord said to me once, 
              that there was no obedience 
            where there was no resolution 
                          to suffer;

             that I was to think 
                  of His sufferings, and
              then everything would be easy"
                  [ Life: Ch26: # 4 ]

            "for I should find great security
                  if I told everything
             and if I did otherwise, 
                  I might at any time 
                         fall into delusions"
                          [ Life: Ch26: #5 ]

       "Whenever our Lord commanded me 
              to do one thing in prayer, and
          if my confessor forbade it, 
              our Lord Himself told me 
                         to obey my confessor

          His Majesty afterwards 
              would change the mind 
                         of that confessor,
          so that he would have me do 
               what he had forbidden before. 
                  [ Life: Ch26: #6 ]


4). When St. Teresa was 
    "deprived of books written in Spanish",
      how did Our Lord console her?
          [ Life: Ch26: # 6 ]

St. Teresa said that:
   "our Lord said to me, 
           'Be not troubled; 
            I will give thee a living book.' " 

   "our Lord dealt so lovingly with me, 
            in teaching me in so many ways, 
     that I had little or no need
            whatever of books".

   "His Majesty has been to me 
            a veritable Book
     in which I saw all truth. 
          [ Life: Ch26: # 6 ]
