Come, Holy Spirit. Enkindle in our hearts, the fire of Your Divine Love.

Blessed Mother Mary, Queen of Carmel,

protect and pray for us.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Chapter 34 - The Life of Teresa of Jesus - Autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila

   The Life of Holy Mother
        Teresa of Jesus

  The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus,
of the Order of Our Lady of Carmel

       CHAPTER 34

She shows 
- how at that time it happened 
    that she absented herself from this place and 
- how her Superior commanded her to go away 
    at the request of a very noble lady 
    who was in great affliction. 
She begins to tell 
- what happened to her there, and 
- the great grace God bestowed upon her 
    in determining through her instrumentality 
    a person of distinction to serve Him truly; and 
- how that person found favour and help 
   in her (Teresa). 
This is noteworthy.

- The Saint Leaves Her Monastery of the Incarnation 
    for a Time, at the Command of Her Superior. 
- Consoles an Afflicted Widow.

    Topics/ Questions
      to keep in mind
     as we read along:

1). What did St. Teresa's say regarding
      being summoned to visit
         (Dona Luisa de la Cerda)
               a recent widow 
            who was in distress?
             [ Life: Ch34: #1, 2,3]

2). What were the  benefits 
          of this visit?
         [Life: Ch34:

3). How  did St. Teresa describe the
      "love that speaks" in prayer?
           [ Life: Ch34: # 9 ]

4). What thought  caused St. Teresa
        to be  "extremely distressed" ?
            [ Life: Ch34: # 12 ]

5). What did St. Teresa say regarding
       "the grace of contemplation" ?
           [ Life: Ch34: # 14 ]

6). What advice does St. Teresa give
        regarding supernatural knowledge
       and those who would advise others ??
              [ Life: Ch34: # 14,15, 16 ]

7). What did St. Teresa say 
      regarding Spiritual friendships ?
         [ Life: Ch34: # 19, 20,21 ]

8). What did St. Teresa say 
       regarding love of God 
            and  the value of 
       suffering and detachment?
            [ Life: Ch34: # 19, 20 ]

           Chapter 34

1. Now, though I was very careful 
that no one should know 
   what we were doing, 

      all this work could not be carried on 
          so secretly as not to come 
      to the knowledge of divers persons; 

  some believed, in it, 
  others did not, 

I was in great fear lest the Provincial 
   should be spoken to about it 
when he came, 
   and find himself compelled 
to order me to give it up; 

and if he did so, 
  it would have been abandoned at once. 

Our Lord provided against it 
   in this way.

In a large city, 
    more than twenty leagues distant, 
was a lady in great distress 
     on account of her husband's death
      [497] (Dona Luisa de la Cerda)
She was in such extreme affliction, 
  that fears were entertained 
about her life. 

She had heard of me, 
     a poor sinner, 
     -- for our Lord had provided that,-- ”
and men spoke well to her of me, 
     for the sake of other good works 
which resulted from it. 

This lady knew the Provincial well; 
  and as she was a person 
     of some consideration, 
and knew that I lived in a monastery, 
     the nuns of which 
were permitted to go out, 
our Lord made her desire much 
      to see me. 

She thought that my presence 
    would be a consolation to her, 
and that she could not be comforted 

She therefore strove 
    by all the means in her power 
to get me into her house,
    sending messages to the Provincial, 
who was at a distance far away.

2. The Provincial sent me an order, 
 charging me in virtue of my obedience
     to go immediately, 
 with one companion. 

I knew of it on Christmas night. 
It caused me some trouble 
    and much suffering 
to see that they sent for me
  because they thought 
     there was some good in me

I, knowing myself to be so wicked
    could not bear it. 

I commended myself earnestly to God,
    and during Matins, 
    or the greater part of them, 
was lost in a profound trance. 

Our Lord told me 
- I must 
    go without fail, and 

    give no heed 
             to the opinions of people,
        for they were few 
            who would not be rash 
        in their counsel; and

- though I should have troubles, 
       yet God would be served greatly

- as to the monastery,
   it was expedient I should be absent 
        till the Brief came, 
   because Satan had contrived 
       a great plot
   against the coming of the Provincial; 

- that I was to have no fear, 
      -- He would help me. 

I repeated this to the rector, and 
he told me 
      that I must go by all means,
though others were saying 
      I ought not to go,
that it was a trick of Satan 
      to bring some evil 
             upon me there, and
that I ought to send word 
       to the Provincial.

3. I obeyed the rector, 
       and went without fear, 
 because of what I had understood
       in prayer, 

though in the greatest confusion 
  when I thought of the reasons 
     why they sent for me, and 
     how very much they were deceived.

It made me more and more importunate
     with our Lord 
that He would not abandon me. 

It was a great comfort that there was 
   a house of the Society of Jesus there
whither I was going,  

and so I thought I should be 
   in some degree safe 
under the direction of those fathers
   as I had been here.

4. It was the good pleasure of our Lord 
   that the lady who sent for me 
should be so much consoled 
   that a visible improvement 
          was the immediate result 
  she was comforted every day 
           more and more. 

This was very remarkable, 
  because, as I said before, 
her suffering had reduced her 
  to great straits. 

Our Lord must have done this 
   in answer to the many prayers 
which the good people 
   of my acquaintance made for me, 
that I might prosper in my work. 

She had a profound fear of God, 
    and was so good, 
that her great devotion 
    supplied my deficiencies. 

She conceived a great affection for me   
  -- I, too, for her, 
      because of her goodness; 

but all was as it were a cross for me; 
for the comforts of her house 
    were a great torment

and her making so much of me
      made me afraid. 

I kept my soul continually recollected
       -- I did not dare to be careless: 
  nor was our Lord careless of me; 

for while I was there, 
He bestowed the greatest graces 
       upon me, and 

those graces 
    made me so free, and
   filled me with such contempt 
         for all I saw,
          --and the more I saw, 
             the greater my contempt,--

          that I never failed 
                  to treat those ladies,
         whom to serve would have been 
                    a great honour for me, 
         with as much freedom 
                    as if I had been their equal.

5. I derived very great advantages 
       from this, 
and I said so. 

I saw 
   - that she was a woman, 
            and as much liable 
      to passion and weakness 
            as I was; 

    - that rank is of little worth, and 
         the higher it is, 
         the greater the anxiety and trouble 
            it brings. 

People must be careful 
    of the dignity of their state,
which will not suffer them 
    to live at ease; 

they must eat 
    at fixed hours and
    by rule, 
for everything must be 
    according to their state, and 
    not according to their constitutions; 
and they have frequently 
     to take food fitted 
            more for their state 
            than for their liking.

6. So it was that I came to hate 
     the very wish to be a great lady. 

God deliver me 
    from this wicked, artificial life! 

--though I believe 
  that this lady

           notwithstanding that she was 
              one of the chief personages 
            of the realm,

   was a woman of great simplicity, and 
    that few were more humble 
         than she was.

I was very sorry for her, 
for I saw how often she had to submit 
  to much that was disagreeable to her, 
because of the requirements of her rank.

Then, as to servants, 
though this lady had 
      very good servants, 
how slight is that little trust 
      that may be put in them! 

One must not be conversed 
   with more than another; 

otherwise, he who is so favoured 
    is envied by the rest. 

This of itself is a slavery, and 
one of the lies of the world 
   is that it calls such persons masters, 
 who, in my eyes, are nothing else 
but slaves in a thousand ways.

7. It was our Lord's pleasure 
that the household of that lady 
   improved in the service 
of His Majesty during my stay there

though I was not exempted from 
    some trials and 
    some jealousies 
  on the part of some of its members,
because of the great affection 
   their mistress had for me. 

They perhaps must have thought 
  I had some personal interest to serve.

Our Lord must have permitted 
    such matters, 
 and others of the same kind, 
     to give me trouble, 
  in order that I might not be 
     absorbed in the comforts 
  which otherwise I had there; 

and He was pleased 
  to deliver me out of it all 
with great profit to my soul.

8. When I was there, 
a religious person 
      of great consideration, and 
      with whom I had conversed 
            occasionally some years ago,    
       [498] happened to arrive.
         ( F. Vicente Barron or
           Fr. Garcia of Toledo
                  See Footnote)

When I was at Mass, 
     in a monastery of his Order, 
  near the house in which I was staying, 
      I felt a longing to know 
           the state of his soul, 
               --for I wished him to be 
                  a great servant of God, --

 and I rose up 
   in order to go and speak to him. 

But as I was then recollected in prayer, 
   it seemed to me a waste of time 
                -- for what had I to do 
                    in that matter? -- 
and so I returned to my place.

Three times, I think I did this, and
  at last my good angel prevailed 
over the evil one, 
and I went and asked for him; and 

he came to speak to me 
   in one of the confessionals. 

We began by asking one another 
   of our past lives,
for we had not seen one another 
   for many years. 

I told him that my life had been one 
  in which my soul had had many trials. 

He insisted much on my telling him 
   what those trials were. 

I said 
   that they were not to be told, and
   that I was not to tell them. 

He replied 
   that the Dominican father, [499] 
                (Fr. Pedro Ibanez)
                of whom I have spoken, 
        knew them, and 
   that, as they were great friends, 
        he could learn them from him, and
    so I had better tell them 
                  without hesitation.

9. The fact is, 
that it was 
      not in his power 
              not to insist, 
      nor in mine, I believe, 
               to refuse to speak; 
for notwithstanding 
       all the trouble and shame 
      I used to feel formerly, 
I spoke of my state, 
      to him, and 
      to the rector 
           whom I have referred to before, 
   without any difficulty whatever; 

on the contrary, 
  it was a great consolation to me; 
and so I told him all in confession. 

He seemed to me then 
    more prudent than ever;
 though I had always looked upon him 
     as a man of great understanding. 

I considered 
    what high gifts and endowments 
          for great services he had, 
   if he gave himself wholly unto God. 

I had this feeling now for many years,
   so that I never saw any one
who pleased me much 
   without wishing at once 
  he were given wholly unto God;

and sometimes I feel this so keenly, 
that I can hardly contain myself.

Though I long to see 
     everybody serve God, 
yet my desire about those 
             who please me 
       is very vehement, and 
 so I importune our Lord 
        on their behalf.

10. So it happened 
    with respect to this religious. 
He asked me to pray much
     for him to God. 

There was no necessity 
     for his doing so, 
because I could not do anything else, 

and so I 
    went back to my place 
        where I was in the habit 
                of praying alone, and 
     began to pray to our Lord, 
         being extremely recollected,
                in that my simple, silly way, 
         when I speak without knowing 
                 very often what I am saying. 

It is love that speaks
   and my soul is so beside itself, 
that I do not regard 
   the distance between it and God. 

That love which I know 
   His Majesty has for it 
        makes it forget itself, and 
        think itself to be one with Him

        and so, as being one with Him
        and not divided from Him
              the soul speaks foolishly. 

When I had prayed with many tears 
  that the soul of this religious
      might serve Him truly, 
         -- for, though I considered it good,
            it was not enough for me; 
            I would have it much better, --

   I remember I said, 
   "O Lord, 
   Thou must not refuse me this grace;  
           behold him, 
       -- he is a fit person 
           to be our friend."

11. Oh, the great goodness 
     and compassion of God! 

How He regards 
     not the words, 
     but the desire and 
            the will 
   with which they are spoken! 

How He suffered such a one as I am
  to speak so boldly before His Majesty!

 May He be blessed for evermore!

12. I remember that 
          during those hours of prayer 
          on that very night 
  I was extremely distressed 
by the thought 
  - whether I was in the grace of God
  - that I could never know 
     whether I was so or not, 
      -- not that I wished to know it; 

I wished, however, 
   to die, 
      in order that I might not live a life 
         in which I was not sure 
              that I was not dead in sin, 
      for there could be no death
         more dreadful for me 
      than to think 
         that I had sinned against God

I was in great straits at this thought. 

I implored Him not to suffer me 
      to fall into sin, 
 with great sweetness, 
     dissolved in tears. 

Then I heard 
   that I might 
        console myself, and 
        trust [501] 
   that I was in a state of grace, 
because a love of God like mine, 
   together with the graces and feelings 
with which His Majesty filled my soul,
   was of such a nature 
as to be inconsistent with 
    a state of mortal sin.

13. I was now confident 
that our Lord would grant my prayer 
    as to that religious. 

He bade me repeat certain words to him

This I felt much, 
    because I knew not 
          how to speak to him; 
for this carrying messages 
      to a third person, 
                  as I have said, [502]
    is what I have always felt the most,
especially when I did not know 
  how that person would take them, 
  nor whether he would not laugh at me.

This placed me in great difficulties, 
but at last I was so convinced 
    I ought to do it, 
that I believe I made a promise to God
  I would not neglect that message; and 

because of the great shame I felt, 
  I wrote it out, and gave it in that way. 

The result showed clearly enough 
   that it was a message from God, 
for that religious resolved 
   with great earnestness 
to give himself to prayer, 
    though he did not do so at once. 

Our Lord would have him for Himself, 
  so He sent me to tell him certain truths
which, without my understanding them,
  were so much to the purpose 
that he was astonished. 

Our Lord must have prepared him 
   to receive them 
as from His Majesty; 

and though I am 
   but a miserable sinner myself, 
yet I made many supplications 
    to our Lord 
        to convert him thoroughly, and 
        to make him hate
            the pleasures and 
            the things of this life

And so he did 
-- Blessed be God!--

for every time that he spoke to me 
  I was in a manner beside myself; 

and if I had not seen it, 
  I should never have believed 
that our Lord would have 
     given him in so short a time 
           graces so matured, and 
     filled him so full of God, 
           that he seemed to be alive 
           to nothing on earth.

14. May His Majesty hold him 
           in His hand! 

If he will go on 
 -- and I trust in our Lord he will do so, 
 now that he is so well grounded 
     in the knowledge of himself --
 he will be one of the most 
     distinguished servants of God, 
to the great profit of many souls, 

because he has in a short time 
  had great experience 
in spiritual things: 

   that is a gift of God, 
     which He gives 
   when He will and as He will

    and it depends 
         not on length of time 
         nor extent of service.

 I do not mean
    that time and service
         are not great helps

but very often  our Lord 
     will not give to some 
                       in twenty years
              the grace of contemplation

    while He gives it to others 
                       in one (year)

    --His Majesty knoweth why.

We are under a delusion 
 when we think 
that in the course of years 
    we shall come to the knowledge 
of that which we can in no way attain to
     but by experience

and thus many are in error
     as I have said [503] 
when they would 
            understand spirituality
     without being spiritual themselves

I do not mean 
   that a man 
              who is not spiritual, 
        if he is learned, 
               may not direct one 
                     that is spiritual; 

but it must be understood 
     - in outward and inward things,
          in the order of nature, 
        the direction must be 
          an act of reason; and
      - in supernatural things, 
          according to the teaching 
                  of the sacred writings

In other matters,
  let him 
      not distress himself, 
      nor think that he can understand 
           that which he understandeth not; 
      neither let him quench the Spirit; 
  for now another Master
            greater than he, 
       is directing these souls
  so that they are not left 
       without authority over them.

15. He must 
   not be astonished at this, 
   nor think it impossible: 

all things are possible to our Lord
 he must strive rather to 
     strengthen his faith, and 
     humble himself
 because in this matter 
      our Lord imparts 
            perhaps a deeper knowledge 
       to some old woman 
            than to him, 
   though he may be a very learned man.

Being thus humble
   he will profit souls and himself more 
than if he affected 
    to be a contemplative
 without being so; 

for, I repeat it, 
if he have no experience
if he have not a most profound humility,  
    whereby he may see 
        that he does not understand, and 
         that the thing is not 
             for that reason impossible, 
    he will do 
             himself but little good, and 
             still less to his penitent. 

But if he is humble
   let him have no fear 
that our Lord will allow
          either the one 
          or the other 
      to fall into delusion.

16. Now as to this father 
    I am speaking of, 
as our Lord has given him light
    in many things, 
so has he laboured to find out by study 
  that which in this matter 
      can be by study ascertained
  for he is a very learned man, 

and that 
  of which he has no experience himself 
he seeks to find out 
   from those who have it

            -- and our Lord helps him 
                by increasing his faith, and 
                so he has greatly benefited 
                      and some other souls, 
                      of whom mine is one. 

As our Lord knew the trials
   I had to undergo, 
His Majesty seems to have provided
  that, when He took away unto Himself 
      some of those who directed me, 
      others might remain
     helped me in my great afflictions, and 
     rendered me great services.

17. Our Lord wrought 
            a complete change
    in this father
            so much so 
    that he scarcely knew himself, 
            so to speak. 

He has given him bodily health, 
    so that he may do penance, 
such as he never had before; 
    for he was sickly. 

He has given him courage 
    to undertake good works, 
         with other gifts, 
so that he seems to have received 
    a most special vocation 
from our Lord. 

May He be blessed for ever!

18. All these blessings, I believe, 
   came to him through the graces 
our Lord bestowed upon him in prayer;
   for they are real. 

It has been our Lord's pleasure already 
   to try him in certain difficulties, 
out of which he has come forth like one 
  who knows the true worth 
         of that merit 
which is gained 
         by suffering persecutions. 

I trust in the munificence of our Lord 
    that great good will, 
          by his means, 
    accrue to some of his Order and 
          to the Order itself. 

This is beginning to be understood. 

I have had great visions 
    on the subject, and

our Lord has told me wonderful things 
    of him and 
    of the Rector of the Society of Jesus, 
          whom I am speaking of,
                   [506]  and also 
    of two other religious of the Order 
          of St. Dominic, 
    particularly of one 
          who, to his own profit, 
              has actually learned of our Lord 
                     certain things 
              which I had formerly
                     understood of him. 

But there were greater things made 
     known of him 
 to whom I am now referring: 
     one of them I will now relate.

19. I was with him 
         once in the parlour, 
when in my soul and spirit I 
  - felt what great love burned 
         within him, and 
  - became as it were lost in ecstasy 
      by considering the greatness of God, 
    who had raised that soul 
         in so short a time 
      to a state so high

It made me ashamed of myself 
   when I saw him listen
        with so much humility 
    to what I was saying 
         about certain matters of prayer,
    when I had so little myself 
         that I could speak on the subject 
     to one like him. 

Our Lord must have borne with me 
   in this on account 
of the great desire I had 
   to see that religious 
         making great progress. 

My interview with him 
  did me great good
    -- it seems as if it left 
            a new fire in my soul, 
        burning with desire 
            to serve our Lord 
        as in the beginning. 

O my Jesus! 
what is a soul on fire with Thy love! 

How we ought to 
      prize it, and 
      implore our Lord to let it 
            live long upon earth! 

He who has this love 
    should follow after such souls,
if it be possible.

20. It is a great thing for a person
   ill of this disease 
to find another struck down by it
          -- it comforts him much to see 
              that he is not alone; 

they help one another greatly 
    to suffer and 
    to merit. 

They are strong with a double strength 
   who are resolved
        to risk a thousand lives for God, and 
   who long for an opportunity 
        of losing them. 

They are like soldiers 
    who, to acquire booty, and 
therewith enrich themselves, 
   wish for war, 
knowing well
   that they cannot become rich without it.

 This is their work -- to suffer

Oh, what a blessing it is 
  when our Lord gives light to understand 
how great is the gain
   of suffering for Him! 

This is never understood 
   till we have left all things

for if anybody is attached 
   to any one thing, 
that is a proof 
   that he sets some value upon it; and 

   if he sets any value upon it, 
      it is painful to be compelled 
    to give it up

In that case, everything 
    is imperfect and lost. 

The saying is to the purpose here, 
           -- he who follows what is lost, 
                     is lost himself; and

  what greater loss, 
  what greater blindness
   what greater calamity, 
      can there be 
        than making much of 
       that which is nothing!

21. I now return to that 
which I had begun to speak of. 

I was in the greatest joy, 
   beholding that soul. 

It seemed as if 
   our Lord would have me see clearly 
the treasures He had laid up in it; 

and so, 
when I considered the favour 
         our Lord had shown me,
    in that I should be the means 
         of so great a good, 
    I recognised my own unworthiness 
         for such an end. 

I thought much of the graces 
      our Lord had given him, 
and held myself 
       as indebted for them 
   more than 
       if they had been given to myself

So I gave thanks to our Lord, 
  when I saw that His Majesty
      had fulfilled my desires and 
      heard my petition 
   that He would raise up persons 
      like him. 

And now my soul, 
              no longer able to bear 
              the joy that filled it, 
       went forth out of itself, 
       losing itself 
              that it might gain the more. 

   It lost sight of the reflections 
        it was making; 

   and the hearing of that divine language
    which the Holy Ghost seemed to speak 
           threw me into a deep trance, 
    which almost deprived me of all sense, 
           though it did not last long. 

I saw Christ, 
      in exceeding great majesty and glory,
manifesting His joy 
      at what was then passing. 

He told me as much, and 
it was His pleasure 
   that I should clearly see
   - that He was always present 
          at similar interviews, and 
   - how much He was pleased 
        when people thus found their delight
                in speaking of Him.

22. On another occasion, 
  when far away from this place, 
  I saw him carried by angels 
        in great glory. 

I understood by that vision 
  that his soul was making great progress: 

so it was; 
for an evil report was spread abroad 
        against him
by one to 
        whom he had rendered
              a great service, and 
         whose reputation and
         whose soul 
               he had saved. 

He bore it with much joy. 
He did also other things greatly 
    to the honour of God, 
and underwent more persecutions. 

I do not think it expedient now 
    to speak further on this point; 

if, however, you, my father, 
     who know all, 
should hereafter think otherwise, 
      more might be said
to the glory of our Lord.

23. All the prophecies 
spoken of before, [507] 
       relating to this house, 
as well as others, 
             of which I shall speak hereafter,  
       relating to it and to other matters, 
              have been accomplished

Some of them 
      our Lord revealed to me
                  three years 
       before they became known, 
others earlier and 
others later. 

But I always made them known 
    to my confessor, and 
    to the widow my friend; 
       for I had leave to communicate 
                with her, as I said before. [508] 

She, I know, repeated them to others, 
    and these know that I lie not. 

May God never permit me, 
     in any matter whatever, 
              -- much more in things 
                  of this importance, -- 
   to say anything but the whole truth!

24. One of my brothers-in-law [509] 
          died suddenly; 
and as I was in great distress at this, 
    because he had no opportunity 
           of making his confession,

our Lord said to me in prayer 
that my sister also 
      was to die in the same way; 
that I must go to her, 
       and make her prepare herself 
             for such an end. 

I told this to my confessor; 
but as he would not let me go, 
   I heard the same warning again; and now, 
when he saw this, 
   he told me I might go, and 
that I should lose nothing by going. 

My sister was living in the country; 
and as I did not tell her why I came, 
    I gave her what light I could 
           in all things. 

I made her 
     go frequently to confession, and 
     look to her soul in everything.

She was very good, 
     and did as I asked her. 

Four or five years after she had
     begun this practice, and
     keeping a strict watch 
            over her conscience, 
she died, 
     with nobody near her, and 
     without being able to go 
            to confession. 

This was a blessing to her, 
    for it was little more than a week 
since she had been 
    to her accustomed confession. 

It was a great joy to me 
   when I heard of her death. 
She was but a short time in purgatory.

25. I do not think it was quite 
   eight days afterwards 
when, after Communion,
   our Lord 
            appeared to me, and 
            was pleased that I should see Him 
                    receive my sister into glory

During all those years, 
   after our Lord had spoken to me,
   until her death, 
what I then learnt with respect to her 
    was never forgotten
         either by myself 
         or by my friend, 
                 when my sister was thus dead, 
          came to me 
                  in great amazement 
              at the fulfilment of the prophecy. 

God be praised for ever, 
    who takes such care of souls 
that they may not be lost!


    Foot Notes:

[497] Dona Luisa de la Cerda, 
sister of the Duke of Medina-Coeli, 
was now the widow of Arias Pardo, 
Marshal of Castille, Lord of Malagon and
Don Arias was nephew of Cardinal Tabera, 
Archbishop of Toledo
(De la Fuente).

[498] F. Vicente Barron, Dominican 
(see [391]ch. v. § 8), 
according to F. Bouix, 
on the authority of Ribera and Yepez; 

but the Carmelite Father,
Fr. Antonio of St. Joseph, 
in his note on the first Fragment 
(Letters, vol. iv. p. 408), 
says that it was Fr. Garcia of Toledo
brother of Don Fernando, 
Duke of Alva; 

and Don Vicente de la Fuente thinks 
the opinion of Fr. Antonio 
  the more probable.

[499] Pedro Ibanez (Bouix).

[500] [392]Ch. xxxiii. § 11.

[501] Father Bouix says that here 
the word "confiar," "trust," in the printed text, 
has been substituted by someone 
for the words "estar cierta,"
"be certain," which he found in the MS.

But Don Vicente de la Fuente retains
the old reading "confiar," and 
makes no observation on the alleged discrepancy 
between the MS. and the printed text. 

The observation of F. Bouix, however, 
is more important, and deserves credit, 
-- for Don Vicente may have failed, 
through mere inadvertence, 
to see what F. Bouix saw; 

and it is also to be remembered 
that Don Vicente does not say 
that the MS. on this point has been 
so closely inspected as to throw any doubt 
on the positive testimony of F. Bouix. 

Six years after this note was written,
Don Vicente published a facsimile 
by photography of the original text 
in the handwriting of the Saint, 
preserved in the Escurial. 
The words are not "confiar," 
but "estar cierta."

[502] [393]Ch. xxxiii. § 12.

[503] [394]Ch. xiv. § 10.

[504] 1 Thess. v. 19: 
"Spiritum nolite extinguere."

[505] St. Matt. xix. 26: 
"Apud Deum autem omnia possibilia sunt."

[506] F. Gaspar de Salazar.

[507] [395]Ch. xxvi. § 3.

[508] [396]Ch. xxx. § 3. 
Dona Guiomar de Ulloa.

[509] Don Martin de Guzman y Barrientos, 
husband of Maria de Cepeda, the Saint's sister.