Come, Holy Spirit. Enkindle in our hearts, the fire of Your Divine Love.

Blessed Mother Mary, Queen of Carmel,

protect and pray for us.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Discussion of Ch.33 - The Life of Teresa of Jesus - Autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila

   The Life of Holy Mother
        Teresa of Jesus

  The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus,
of the Order of Our Lady of Carmel.

       Discussion of  Chapter 33

 She continues 
- the subject of the foundation of the glorious St. Joseph. 
- How she was commanded to have nothing (further) 
    to do with it, 
- how she abandoned it, 
- also the troubles it brought her and
- how God consoled her in all this.

- The Foundation of the Monastery Hindered. 
- Our Lord Consoles the Saint.


        Topics/ Questions

1). How did St. Teresa describe the   
         reaction in her convent 
      to her wish "to found another 
        (monastery) with stricter enclosure" ?
          [Life: Ch33: # 2]
2).  How did St. Teresa respond
        to these reactions?
             [Life: Ch33: # 2]

3). St. Teresa had encountered 
      many trials and obstacles 
      while trying to found a new monastery.
      Despite this, why did she remain
         "exceedingly happy and joyful" ?
           [Life: Ch33: # 3, 4, 5 ]
4). How did St. Teresa describe her
        spiritual relationship 
       with the new rector? 
          (Fr. Gaspar de Salazar) 
          [Life: Ch33: # 11, 12]

5). In pursuing the founding 
        of a new  monastery, 
      St. Teresa said she intended 
         to reject an available house 
      because it "was too small".
      What did she say   Our Lord 
             said regarding this ?
               [Life: Ch33: # 14]
6). What did St. Teresa say 
       regarding St. Claire?
        [Life: Ch33: # 15]

1). How did St. Teresa describe the   
        reaction in her convent 
       to her wish "to found another 
       (monastery) with stricter enclosure" ?
          [Life: Ch33: # 2]

St. Teresa described these reactions:
"It was said 

- (that) I insulted my sisters; 

- that I could serve God among them 
         as well as elsewhere
   for there were many among them 
         much better than I; 

- that I did not love the house, and

- that it would have been better 
        if I had procured greater resources 
   for it than for another. 
              [Life: Ch33: # 2]


2).  How did St. Teresa respond
           to their reactions?
                  [Life: Ch33: # 2]

By her account,  St. Teresa:

- Considered their observations
        and felt to a large extent 
   that they were correct 

- She tried to explain her intentions
        and reasons for the founding 
   of a stricter enclosure.

- She did not report 
       the visions and  revelations
  ("her chief reasons") 
       which she received from God.

            "I saw well enough 
                that they were 
             for the most part right, 
             and now and then 
                I made excuses for myself; 
             though, as I could not tell them 
                the chief reason, 
             which was the commandment 
             of our Lord, 

             I knew not what to do, 
                and so was silent.
                    [Life: Ch33: # 2]
3). St. Teresa had encountered 
            many trials and obstacles 
         while trying to found 
             a new monastery.
        Despite this, why did she remain
         "exceedingly happy and joyful" ?
                [Life: Ch33: # 3, 4, 5 ]
St. Teresa said:

"I remained in the house
       where I was, 
exceedingly happy and joyful"  because:
~ In following God's will, she strived 
     to do as much as she was able:
   - "I had done
           as it seemed to me, 
      all that was in my power

       I thought myself obliged 
           to do no more 
      than I had done 
           to fulfil our Lord's commandment"

      "though, at the same time, 
         I was never able 
      to give up my conviction
         that the work would be done...

        but I firmly believed 
           in its accomplishment"
               [Life: Ch33: # 3]
~ She trusted in God  
            and received strength from Him
      "our Lord,  who never failed me 
            in all the trials...
        so frequently consoled  
            and strengthened me...

        the persecution 
            which had befallen me 
        seemed to be as nothing at all.
                   [Life: Ch33: # 4]
       Our Lord now showed me 
            what an exceedingly great blessing
        it is to be tried and persecuted 
          for His sake"
               [Life: Ch33: # 5]

4). How did St. Teresa describe her
           spiritual relationship 
        with the new rector? 
             (Gaspar de Salazar) 
               [Life: Ch33: # 11, 12]

"It was a spiritual joy, and 
           a conviction in my soul 
   that his soul must understand mine
   that it was in unison with it
           and yet...  I knew not how. 
              [Life: Ch33: # 11]

" relations with him 
          were in every way 
of the utmost service 
        to me and my soul

because his method of direction 
          is proper for those persons 
whom our Lord seems to have led 
        far on the way
seeing that He makes them 
          run, and
          not to crawl step by step. 

His plan is to render them 
         thoroughly detached and mortified

and our Lord has endowed him 
         with the highest gifts herein 
as well as in many other things beside. 

As soon as I began 
         to have to do with him, 
I knew his method at once,  and saw 
         that he had a pure and holy soul,
with a special grace of our Lord 
         for the discernment of spirits. 

He gave me great consolation
         [Life: Ch33: # 12]

5). In pursuing the founding 
            of a new  monastery, 
         St. Teresa said she intended 
            to reject an available house 
         because it "was too small".
       What did she say Our Lord 
           said regarding this ?
                [Life: Ch33: # 14]

St. Teresa said that:

             "The house offered me 
                  was too small...
              that it seemed...
                   it could never be made 
           into a monastery 
              and I wished to buy another..."

"One day, after Communion, 
 Our Lord said to me

      'I have already bidden thee
           to go in anyhow...

      Oh, covetousness of the human race,  
              thinking that even the whole earth 
       is too little for it

      how often have I slept 
           in the open air,
     because I had no place 
           to shelter Me!'   
                   [Life: Ch33: # 14]

6). What did St. Teresa say 
     regarding St. Claire?
        [Life: Ch33: # 15]

Regarding St. Claire, St. Teresa said: 

- that St Claire appeared to her
                  and supported her in the founding
   of a stricter (and poorer) enclosure
                  (like the Franciscan Poor Clare Nuns)

   -- "As I was going to Communion 
                  on her feast,  
        St. Clare appeared to me

   -- (she) bade me 
                  take courage,  and 
                  go on with what I had begun; 
       (that) she would help me"

   -- "I began to have a great devotion
                  to St. Clare"

    -- "she has so truly kept her word, 
         that a monastery of nuns 
              of her Order 
         in our neighbourhood 
                  helped us to live

         she so perfectly fulfilled my desire, 
         that the poverty which the blessed Saint
                      in her own house 
                  is observed 
                            in this, and
         (that) we are living on alms.  

        perhaps we owe it to the prayers 
                  of this blessed Saint; 

        for, without our asking anybody,
                 His Majesty supplies 
                    most abundantly
              all our wants. 
                    [Life: Ch33: # 15]