Come, Holy Spirit. Enkindle in our hearts, the fire of Your Divine Love.

Blessed Mother Mary, Queen of Carmel,

protect and pray for us.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Discussion of Ch. 38 - The Life of Teresa of Jesus - Autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila

   The Life of Holy Mother
        Teresa of Jesus

  The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus,
of the Order of Our Lady of Carmel

       Discussion of Chapter  38

She treats of
- the great favours God showed her, and
- how He appeared to her for the first time;

She explains
- what an imaginary vision is, and
- speaks of the powerful effects it leaves and
- the signs whether it is from God.
This chapter is most profitable and noteworthy.

- Certain Heavenly Secrets, Visions, and Revelations.
- The Effects of Them in Her Soul.


Discussion Topics/ Questions

1). What did St. Teresa say regarding the favors
        which she received from God?
              [ Life: Ch. 38: # 1, 3, 4, 6,  7, 9 ]

2). What was her emotional response and
       what prudent steps did St. Teresa take
       regarding the experience of these favors?
              [ Life: Ch. 38: # 2 ]

3). What were the effects on her soul
       from the spiritual graces and knowledge
       that she received from God ?
                [ Life: Ch. 38: # 3, 4, 6, 7, 9  ]

4). What did God ask St. Teresa to tell others?
      What was her concern?
             [ Life: Ch. 38: #3, 4]

5).  How did  St. Teresa think
        that rapture helped?
             [ Life: Ch. 38: # 8, 9 ]

6). In Paragraph #10, St. Teresa said that
­   ­   "The mercies (already) described,
        are not so those
      which I am now going to speak of".

      What were some of  these greater graces?
        [ Life: Ch. 38: # 13, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28 ]

7). What did St. Teresa say regarding
      the "words of Consecration"?
              [ Life: Ch. 38: #30]


1). What did St. Teresa say regarding the favors
        which she received from God?
              [ Life: Ch. 38: # 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 ]

St. Teresa said regarding:

~ Flight of the Spirit / Transports and Visions

    - that when God is pleased to grant this favor,
        She could make no resistance

      "These little precautions are of no use
           when our Lord will have it otherwise.

        ...I was rapt in spirit
           with such violence
       that I could make no resistance whatever.

       It seemed to me
            that I was taken up to heaven

        I saw there
              were my father and my mother.
        I saw other things also;

         but the time was no longer than that
             in which the Ave Maria might be said,
         But as to the shortness of the time...
             only it was all done
         in a very short space."
              [ Life: Ch. 38: # 1]

        "This elevation of the spirit, and
             the vision of things so high,
         in these trances
             seem to me to have a great likeness
         to the flight of the soul from the body,

            [ This experience,
                 in which God bears away the spirit
                 in these transports and shows it
                    such excellent things,
                seems to me very much like that
                 in which a soul leaves the body
                    - Peer's translation                ]
                   [ Life: Ch. 38: # 7]

~ Spiritual Wisdom

        "our Lord showed me
            still greater secrets.
                   [ Life: Ch. 38: # 3]

         "our Lord showing me
             wonderful things"
                [ Life: Ch. 38: # 4]

~ The favors are granted by God
        according to His Will and pleasure.
    One can not acquire these favors or ever
        earn or merit these graces.

    - "The soul, even if it would, has
          neither the means
          not the power
        to see more than
         what He shows it...

        I saw nothing more
            than what our Lord was pleased
        to let me see."

      - the imagination...can
          neither conceive
          nor picture
               to itself
          ... any one of the things
         which our Lord showed me..."
                [ Life: Ch. 38: # 3]

        "God effects it all Himself;

         for His Majesty reveals the truth
           in such a way,
         that it remains so deeply impressed
           on our souls
         as to make it clear
           that we of ourselves
         could not thus acquire it
           in so short a time".
               [ Life: Ch. 38: # 6]

             "of His good pleasure,
                 I know something
               of these great blessings, and
                  begin to have the fruition of them"
                         [ Life: Ch. 38: # 9 ]


2). What was her emotional response and
       what prudent steps did St. Teresa take
       regarding the experience of these favors?
              [ Life: Ch. 38: # 2 ]

~ St. Teresa described her response as:

-  amazement at these visions and favors

-  fear of being deceived
      "the great fear I had of being deceived"
      "I was afraid it might be an illusion;
              but as I did not think so"
                [ Life: Ch. 38: # 2]

- not humility but rather embarrassment and fear
   at receiving a gift that only saints were given:
       "I was very much ashamed
           to go to my confessor about it.

         It was not...because I was humble,
             but because I thought
           he would laugh at me, and say:
           ...what a St. Paul or ...St. Jerome. !
                --she sees the things of heaven;  
          And because these glorious Saints
                  had had such visions,
           I was so much the more afraid,
                  and did nothing but cry;
           for I did not think it possible for me
                    to see what they saw.
                          [ Life: Ch. 38: # 2]

~ The actions she took:
    - Prayer

    - Consultation with her Confessor

       "I went to my confessor;
        for I never dared to keep secret
            anything of this kind,
        however much it distressed me
            to speak of them,
        owing to the great fear I had
            of being deceived.
               [ Life: Ch. 38: # 2]


3). What were the effects on her soul
       from the spiritual graces and knowledge
       that she received from God ?
                [ Life: Ch. 38: # 3, 4, 6, 7, 9  ]

 ~ Growth in Virtue, Correction of faults
        "blessed be Thy compassion;
           for I can trace,
        at least in my own soul,
           a visible improvement.
              [ Life: Ch. 38: # 4]

~ Great Detachment
        "But such was the vision,
   soul... so high
        that it
           esteems and
           counts as nothing
        all the things of this life.
                  [ Life: Ch. 38: # 3]

         an abiding sense of contempt
            for everything here below;

         all seemed to be filth;
            and I see
         how meanly we employ ourselves
            who are detained on earth"
                [ Life: Ch. 38: # 4]

         "A soul in this state attains
             to a certain freedom,
                    [ has great dominion over itself
                          - Peer's translation        ]
                which is so complete...
          It is a real and true detachment,
              independent of our efforts;
                        [ Life: Ch. 38: # 6]

~ Lessened fear of death

          "The fear of death, also,
              was now very slight in me,
           who had always been
               in great dread of it;

            now it seems to me
               that death is a very light thing
            for one who serves God,
               because the soul is in a moment
            delivered thereby out of its prison,
               and at rest.

            We put aside the agonies
                of its dissolution,
             of which no great account
                is to be made"
                 [ Life: Ch. 38: # 7]

~ Dread of Offending God
               "I implore His Majesty...  
                   that it may not be with me
                   as it was with Lucifer,
                  who by his own fault forfeited it all.

                  I beseech Thee, for Thine own sake,
                      not to suffer this;
                   for I am at times in great fear,
                  though at others, and most frequently,
                    the mercy of God reassures me,
                           [ Life: Ch. 38: # 9]

~  Trust in God

                    "for He who has delivered me
                        from so many sins
                     will not withdraw His hand
                         from under me,
                      and let me be lost.  
                       [ Life: Ch. 38: # 9]


4). What did God ask St. Teresa to tell others?
      What was her concern?
             [ Life: Ch. 38: #3, 4]

St.Teresa said that God asked her
  to tell others of the joys
     of  being with God and
     of heaven.

     "He said to me,
        'See, My daughter,
            what they lose who are against Me;
         do not fail to tell them of it.' "
              [ Life: Ch. 38: #3 ]

      She attmpted to describe the joys:
         "In a word, the imagination,
           however strong it may be, can
              neither conceive
              nor picture
                  to itself,  this light,
              nor any one of the things
           which our Lord showed me
              in a joy so supreme
            that it cannot be described;

           for then all the senses exult
              so deeply and
              so sweetly
            that no description is possible"
                [ Life: Ch. 38: #3]

    "That eye hath not seen,
      nor ear heard,
      neither hath it entered into the heart of man,    
    what things God hath prepared
         for them that love him.  
                . . . .
         1 Corinthians 2;9
             Douay-Rheims Bible

St. Teresa's concerns were:
- her inability to describe these joys
     with words
- that no one would believe her because of
    her past "wickedness" and bad example.
- the need for His grace to give them
     this understanding as He did for her,
   especially those who have blinded themselves
     by their own faults and errors.

           "Ah, my Lord,
               how little good
             my words will do them,
               who are made blind
             by their own conduct,
                if Thy Majesty
             will not give them light!

              Some, to whom Thou hast given it,
                 there are,
              who have profited
                 by the knowledge of Thy greatness;

               but as they see it revealed
                 to one so wicked and base as I am,
               I look upon it as a great thing
                 if there should be any found
               to believe me".
                     [ Life: Ch. 38: # 4]


5).  How did  St. Teresa think
        that rapture helped?
             [ Life: Ch. 38: # 8, 9 ]

St. Teresa said:

" it is a very great mercy
     which our Lord gives to that soul
   to which He grants the like visions,
    for they help it
          in much, and also
          in carrying a heavy cross,
          nothing satisfies (the soul) and
          everything is against it;  
            [ Life: Ch. 38: # 9]

"that the rapture was a great help
  - to recognise our true home, and
  - to see that we are pilgrims here;

    it is a great thing
 - to see what is going on there and
 - to know where we have to live;

    it is a great help to him,
 - that he has discovered it
       to be a country
   where he may live
       in the most perfect peace.

- it makes it easy for us
   to think of the things of heaven, and
   to have our conversation there.  

- It is a great gain,
     because the mere looking up to heaven
   makes the soul recollected;

   for as our Lord has been pleased
      to reveal heaven in some degree,
   my soul dwells upon it in thought;

- ...that they...who are about me, and
       with whom I find consolation,
   are those
       whom I know to be living in heaven,
    and that I look upon them only
       as really alive;

    What I have seen
       with the eyes of the soul
     is that which my soul desires"  
         [ Life: Ch. 38: # 8]


6). In Paragraph #10, St. Teresa said that
­   ­   "The mercies (already) described,
        are not so those
      which I am now going to speak of".

      What were some of  these greater graces?
        [ Life: Ch. 38: # 13, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28 ]

St. Teresa described many grace:

~  Vision of the Dove

    "Then I saw over my head a dove..."

     My spirit grew calm with such a guest...
     ... delivered from all fear,
     and with the joy came peace,
          The joy of this rapture
      was exceedingly great;

      I did
        not know what I was doing,
        nor how I could have received
         so great a grace.

      I perceived in myself
           a very great progress
       in the highest love of God,
            together with a great increase
       in the strength of my virtues.
               [ Life: Ch. 38: # 13]

~ Words of God reminded her of her past errors
    - Being Humbled prior to receiving
          a special grace
    - Growth in self-knowledge

      "When our Lord made me
          remember my wicked life,
       I wept;

       for as I considered
          that I had then never done any good,
       I thought He might be about to bestow
          upon me some special grace;
       "most frequently,
      when I receive any particular mercy
                from our Lord,
         it is when I have been
            previously greatly humiliated,
         in order that I may the more clearly see
            how far I am from deserving it.
               [ Life: Ch. 38: # 21]

       "in prayer, our Lord spoke to me...
        He made me remember
           the great wickedness of my past life.

        They filled me with shame and distress...
         we make greater progress
             in the knowledge of ourselves
          when we hear one of these words,
            than we can make
           by a meditation of many days
             on our own misery,

           because these words (of God)
              impress the truth upon us...
            in such a way
               that we cannot resist it.

            [ A single word of this kind
                 makes a person more keenly aware
              of his advance in self-knowledge  
                than do many days
              spent in meditating
                upon his own wretchedness,
              for it bears a stamp of truth
                the reality of which none can deny.
                   - Peers translation ]
                        [ Life: Ch. 38: # 19]

 ~ "the highest vision of all the visions
        which our Lord in His mercy showed me"
                [ Life: Ch. 38: # 23]

     - a vision of the most Sacred Humanity

        "I was so raised up in spirit
 it were, out of the body...
          I had a vision
             of the most Sacred Humanity
          in exceeding glory

          for I saw myself, without seeing...
              in the presence of God.

          I had continually before me, as present,
            the Majesty of the Son of God,
          though not so distinctly
            as in the vision.

         it is a great comfort to me,
            and also a great blessing.
                 [ Life: Ch. 38: # 22]

         it is...the highest vision of all the visions
             which our Lord in His mercy
         showed me.

         The fruits of it are the very greatest,
            for it seems to
          - purify the soul in a wonderful way, and
          - destroy... altogether
                   the strength of our sensual nature.

           It is a grand flame of fire,
              which seems to burn up and annihilate
            all the desires of this life.

           ... now...I had no desire after vanities,

           I saw clearly in the vision
                 how all things are vanity, and
                 how hollow are all
                        the dignities of earth;
           it was a great lesson,
                 teaching me to raise up my desires
            to the Truth alone.

            It impresses on the soul
                  a sense of the presence of God  

             it is very different
                from that which it is in our own power
              to acquire on earth.

             It fills the soul
                   with profound astonishment
                at its own daring...
                    to offend His most awful Majesty.
                        [ Life: Ch. 38: # 23]

            ... the effects of visions and
            the blessings they bring with them
               are of various degrees;

             but those of this vision
                are the highest of all.

             When I went to Communion once
                I called to mind
               the exceeding great majesty of Him...   
              that it was He who is present
                in the most Holy Sacrament,

               ...very often our Lord was pleased
                  to show Himself to me in the Host;
                       [ Life: Ch. 38: # 24]

               but as I can have no good thought
                 if Thou givest it not,
                no thanks are due to me;
                           [ Life: Ch. 38: # 28]


7). What did St. Teresa say regarding
      the "words of Consecration"?
              [ Life: Ch. 38: #30]

St. Teresa said;
            - That, at the Consecration
                 of the Mass,
               God was always present.

            -That that was true even if the Priest
                 who was saying the Words
              was not in the state of grace.

             "Our Lord Himself told me
             - to pray for that priest;
             - in order that I might understand
                 -- the power
                       of the words of consecration, and
                 -- how God failed not to be present,
                     however wicked
                         the priest might be
                      who uttered them"

                 I understood clearly
                  - how the priests are
                      under greater obligations to be holy
                      than other persons..."
                  - what a horrible thing it is
                     to receive this most
                      Holy Sacrament unworthily, and
                  - how great is the devil's dominion
                       over a soul in mortal sin.

                  It did me a great service, and
                      made me fully understand
                  what I owe to God.
                          [ Life: Ch. 38: # 30]

        End  of  Discussion  of  Chapter  38